How NOT to Quit on Yourself

How NOT to Quit on Yourself

We are now one month into the NEW YEAR!  How are you doing with your goals so far?

Statistics according to the U.S. News and World Report say that 80 percent of New Year’s resolutions fail by February.

I don’t want that to be YOU!  So I’m checking in with you.

I say that doesn’t have to be true if you can learn from past mistakes and hear me on this…

First let me ask – Do you already have a vision of who you will be in 2020? Some people see the new year as a blank canvas where you can create or recreate a version of yourself. Others do this by creating New Year’s Resolutions even though they are notorious for being broken and forgotten one month into the new year.

I personally go for creating a vision board to help guide me in my quest for owning the new year and making the most out of it. Let me tell you why this works, and why this can be an effective motivator to pursue and achieve your perfect vision of a 2020 YOU!

A vision board is very visual in nature; most vision boards can be expressive and depend on the creator’s own subjective feeling of what they want their boards to be like. You can paint on your board, cut-out from old magazines, and even combine different mediums. Vision boards are about unleashing your creativity and having a positive outlook to imagine ahead.

How NOT to Quit on Yourself
You can use vision boards for almost anything. Want a motivational board for better eating habits? Check! Want to create a reminder board for making better decisions in life? Do it! Are you looking for a good career-related visual to pump you with energy throughout the year? Go for it! Personally, I create holistic vision boards, which integrate all aspects of my life. 

While my main mantra is to keep being fit, fierce, and fabulous throughout the years, I see this mantra in all aspects of my life. I apply it in my family, in my career, or even in my creative channels.

That’s why it pays to have a mantra and put it on your vision board. From there, you can let that motivate you in different aspects of your life. Create a mantra that has a concrete and positive action, so it will propel you towards doing something instead of just thinking or pondering over possibilities. 

One other thing to remember when making a vision board is to let loose.YEEEEEE!

Don’t be afraid to express your inner crazy! YOWWWWW !  That’s what I do! Feels good. Try it!

The key is to remember how the real you will create your vision board, so that your true desire will be reflected on your board. Being idealistic is never a bad thing–but you should also have realistic steps on how to achieve those goals.

This is why it is important to make the goals achievable and concrete. Discipline will come in actually pursuing what is on the board, but it’s hard to do this when you have lofty visions. If you want to get fit for 2020, ask yourself, “What are the ways I can actually do this?”

Is it through healthy eating? Is it through a more active lifestyle?  OR DO I NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME. A COACH MAYBE TO PUSH ME ALONG. If so, don’t be afraid to get help or add recipes for healthy meals or pictures of healthy dishes that will inspire you to make them or at least opt for them. Post pictures of your health enthusiast idols to inspire you to work out more or stay up on your game plan to get those abs, legs and toned body you’ve always wanted. Or to just be healthy. 

Vision boards give you a positive outlook for the future, but one that you will be motivated to pursue. Last but not least, remember that vision boards are not achieved overnight. Some take the entire year, while others even go beyond the year that they created it. What’s important is that it becomes a constant reminder for you to achieve your best self, because the journey never really ends–you just keep adding positive reminders on how you can keep growing year after year.


Looking for a little inspiration?! Get a private workout session with me by signing up for my Take Back Your Life Elite Program! It’s just what you need to keep motivated and moving forward!

You’ll learn to eliminate those pesky habits that you can’t seem to shake and you’ll discover different ways to clear the emotional blockages that stand in your way from living your life freely feeling sexy and confident.


“We can’t become what we need to be by remaining what we are.” – Oprah

Say Yes to Eating More (But Healthier) Food!

Say Yes to Eating More (But Healthier) Food!


It’s that time of the year again and I am SOOO excited for the New Year and what God has planned for me!  I set the bar pretty high for myself and my 2020-year goals are off the chain! How about you?  Have you set up some goals yet? I mean real goals – NOT Resolutions. I don’t believe in resolutions because resolutions are a set up for failure.  But that’s another conversation for another day.  

As we start preparing to cap the year by remembering our successes, we also have to set goals and start looking forward to the new changes that we can do in 2020 and with this comes the resolve to, once again, hit the gym, get fit, and be ready to rock that beach body when summer rolls in.

It goes without saying that most of us indulged a bit more than we should have this holiday season, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a grand slam comeback!  It doesn’t have to hold us back from what we know we want to accomplish this year and every year thereafter. Are you feeling what I’m saying? 

Okay…let me cut to the chase right now and steer you in the right direction so you can skip the mistakes you’ve made in the past.

On top of a lot of people’s New Year’s Resolutions is to go on a diet. Yet a good question to ask before you dive into the newest fad is this: Is a diet what you need–or do you need to be more mindful of your nutrition as we welcome the start of a new decade?

If your vision for 2020 is a healthier you, then you may want to understand first how diets work and what nutrition truly means. The difference may surprise you since most people assume that diet and nutrition is the same thing.

Diets are a dime a dozen. Some diet regimens promote particular types of foods and others count caloric intake. However, what appears to be common in most of these diets is the restricting or limiting of certain types of foods.

Say Yes to Eating More (But Healthier) Food!

Most people think this is a common sense approach. They think if you cut down on the food you eat, you will likely expend what you eat and have no more left to store. Not true. There is more to this than simple mathematics. 

Did you know…(Don’t faint when you hear this) that a plateful of white carbohydrates and processed meats, half a liter of cola, and a slice of cake for dessert can already have over 2,000 calories–which is roughly the necessary caloric intake for one whole day? On the other hand, it is possible to eat that same amount of calories in three square meals, with snacks of fruits, nuts, and coffee or natural coconut water in between.

What makes a diet less healthy and incomplete, as a practice is that counting calories is never enough. You can limit your caloric intake to 1,500 calories a day, but if you keep eating white carbohydrates and other junk food, it will not contribute to a healthier lifestyle and you’ll still run out of energy before your next feeding time. That’s a big reason why people are always tired.

But if you look at the nutritional value of what you eat, it will make a huge difference. You’ll have more energy throughout the day, it will aid in better body building exercises AND you’ll be able to eat more calories than the norm. Yet you’ll be healthier and weight loss will be a breeze.

So as we “ROCK OUT” into this new beautiful decade include in your new goals one change at a time. This year, think of “quality” over “quantity.” Think of food that makes you feel good inside out instead of limiting the amount of food that you eat. Instead of counting calories, check the nutritional label of foods. Swap unhealthy calories with healthier options. Take the time to list down foods that give you better energy throughout the day.  

Keep this practice up, and you’ll be rocking that beach bod for the entire 2020 and beyond!

Want more?  You can get more!  Subscribe to my YouTube channel @WendyIdafitness for more tips.


“It’s no exaggeration to say that you help to improve my quality of life.” Just like Mayumi Kodani, I want to see YOU improve and start taking back YOUR life!!  

Go ahead..take that Next BIG step!

Say Yes to Eating More (But Healthier) Food!


Where Do You Want To Go?

Where Do You Want To Go?

Can you believe that it’s already December?  Yes, the year is finally winding down.  So the question is…What have you done lately?   And where do you want to go with it next year?

Where Do You Want To Go?

This is a good time to reflect on the people places and things from this year as well as years past – where you’ve been, what you’ve accomplished, and even the things that have held you back.  And figure out what worked and what didn’t.   So you can learn, grow and improve next year.

Where Do You Want To Go?As I reflect on this year, I realize that I’ve had many challenges – some personal and some professional.  Some were a surprise and some I sought after on my own. 

And while family and friends have played a major role in supporting me and lifting me up during tough times I’ve grown to welcome a challenge because I know it only helps to elevate you to new and better levels.

Some of my BEST moments were being a Sports Illustrated swimsuit semi-finalist and spending time with – MJ Day Sr. Editor of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit and Yu Tsai Creative Consultant/Photographer of America’s Next Top Model & of course Tyra Banks.

And what could be better than letting loose with family and friends or partying it up at my besties’ birthday party – Raquel Thomas! 

These are just a few highlights for me.  I’ve had many who touched my life in 2019.

What are your experiences?  Lay them out.

While everyone is scrambling to get Holiday shopping finished, I urge you to tally up your year – good or bad list them all.  Also think about all the people who impacted your life to ensure you have the right relationships moving forward.

Where Do You Want To Go?This personal reflection can have a huge impact on your future.

The New Year brings with it plenty of opportunity for new beginnings and a fresh start.

Accomplishing something great in the new year is something we can all aspire to achieve, but in order to achieve something great or anything at all you have to know one basic thing – where you want to go and what you want to do. 

Are you prepared to go there? Can you honestly say that you are the best version of yourself?

If YES, you can reach your full potential and maximize on the HUGE impact you will make next year.

If NO, STOP here and make YOURSELF a priority!  Include YOU at the top of your to-do-list for next year’s plans. 

Whether you want your best body, your best health or you want to let go of emotional debris that has had you on lock down for way too many years.  Let this be your year to finally break free.

We are not getting any younger but we can get stronger and should be getting smarter. With age comes wisdom and we can use that wisdom to reinvent ourselves to look and feel AMAZING!Where Do You Want To Go?

Think about the goals you want to achieve and…where you want your life to end up taking you. Think about how you want to reach those goals and…think about the things that you can attain while also improving yourself in a positive way.

Then never forget that you will always encounter obstacles along the way.  So just push through them –  go over them, under them or around them to get to the other side and realize that it was placed in your path to test your character, to make you better and to take you higher.

If you’ve had trouble keeping up with yourself contact me at

I’d be happy to show you some roadmaps that feature: workout blueprints, nutritional guidance as well as emotional support and life reinvention strategies that will help you reach your goals.


Black Friday ends December 15th

 Get your shopping done early and give the gift of total transformation to yourself or those you love most this holiday season!  

When you buy the Take Back Your Life Gold Package —- as a BONUS I give you my TOOLKIT which includes…The Reset Your Life E-book, a fun Dance Workout, 4 video tips, and more!

Giving Thanks is Essential


 The Fountain of You online DVDs are ONLY $14.99!  $10 off! Give the gift of transformation to anyone this holiday season! And Why not TREAT YOURSELF while you’re at it!

It’s contagious!


Take Back Your Life Success Bundle is ONLY $99! (Reg $149)

Gifting yourself or those you love has never been easier or more impactful.

It’s contagious!

Giving Thanks is Essential

Giving Thanks is Essential

I am sooooo excited around this time of year!  The decorations, food, time spent with friends and family and the enchanting smells of holidays just makes my heart sing. It also brings me joy to reminisce about the good times I shared with those family members who made the holidays so magical and meaningful in the past but have now passed on.  – Sigh –

Giving Thanks is Essential

Oh how grateful I am though.  They made me who I am. Thank you Mommy and sister Syl for your unconditional love. 

What are you thankful for?

Whatever it is… Honor it. Shout out about it. Pray about it and thank your lucky stars AND your maker for it.  Just let it take you there. 

  • It’ll keep you grounded and it’s instrumental in helping you feel better physically, mentally, and emotionally. 
  • When you sit back and think about the things you’re truly thankful for, it can help you find inspiration within yourself that can in turn lead you to be a happier person – and even a better person overall. 
  • It will help you appreciate the little things in life. 

I get it though – sometimes it can be hard to figure out what you’re really thankful for. But if you use the K.I.S.S. principal (Keep it simple silly) you’ll be surprised at how many things you come up with. 

Giving Thanks is EssentialSome examples of things that you might be thankful for include: thankful to wake up in the morning, thankful to walk or talk or even watch TV. 

Even though – some small things may seem frivolous, sometimes that’s the point! You don’t always have to have huge, monumental things that are life changing to always be thankful for. It’s the little things that count and are enough to be grateful for. 

And let’s not overlook the fact that each one of us should be thankful for the fact that we have been given the opportunity to even get to play this game called life.  As cliché as it sounds, it’s so true.

Thanksgiving is the season of thinking about what you’re thankful for and letting it impact your life but remember that you can do this every day to get a better grasp on your happiness. It’s food for thought, and something well worth keeping in mind as time goes on. 

AND lastly, I want to give thanks to YOU – for thinking of me, trusting me and being part of my world.  Hugs xoxo


Black Friday starts NOW thru Nov 30

 Get your shopping done early and give the gift of total transformation to yourself or those you love most this holiday season!  

When you buy the Take Back Your Life Gold Package —- as a BONUS I give you my TOOLKIT which includes…The Reset Your Life E-book, a fun Dance Workout, 4 video tips, and more!

Giving Thanks is Essential


 The Fountain of You online DVDs are ONLY $14.99!  $10 off! Give the gift of transformation to anyone this holiday season! And Why not TREAT YOURSELF while you’re at it!

It’s contagious!


Take Back Your Life Success Bundle is ONLY $99! (Reg $149)

Gifting yourself or those you love has never been easier or more impactful.

It’s contagious!

It’s Contagious!

It’s Contagious!

It’s contagious!Do you remember the times in your life when things just weren’t going right or when bad things just kept piling up – one thing after another?  Did you know that sometimes it’s brought on by stinking thinking?  YES!

Your overall mindset and mental state can have a tremendous impact on virtually all aspects of your life. This means that we each need to seize control of our lives by changing the way we think about things. 

One of the best things you can do to improve your circumstances is to start latching onto the positive aspects in our lives. While it’s far too easy for our minds to cling to negatives, focusing on something positive can help you create a contagious and uplifting energy that will light up your entire day and change the course of the events that happen in your life. 

It’s easy to do, too. Start off each morning or evening by sitting down and creating a list of five positive things in your life. It’s okay if your lists overlap, and if some days the same items are included – the key here is to conjure up things that will improve your mood and make you smile. For example, some things might be…

• Your children
• An activity you love to do
• Upcoming seasons – do you love fall or spring? They’re on the way! 
• A friend
• or Family member
• Your fur baby 
• Good health

Basically, the goal here is to think of five things each day that truly make you happy or that have a positive impact on your life. Listing them helps remind you of them, which in turn lets you create a kind of positive outlook that is hard to ignore.

Best of all, once you do this, that positivity will begin to bleed over into those around you – it’s truly contagious. And when you impact those around you positively it creates a whirlwind of positive thinking that can help EVERYONE stay happy and focused every day and all day long. 

I’ve tested this process time and again and it works for me! In fact, it continues to improve my life, my health and anything life throws at me each time I embrace this concept.   It really REALLY is CONTAGIOUS!


Black Friday starts NOW thru Nov 30.

 Get your shopping done early and give the gift of total transformation to yourself or those you love most this holiday season!  

When you buy the Take Back Your Life Gold Package —- as a BONUS I give you my TOOLKIT which includes…The Reset Your Life E-book, a fun Dance Workout, 4 video tips, and more!

It’s contagious!—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

 The Fountain of You online DVDs are ONLY $14.99!  $10 off! Give the gift of transformation to anyone this holiday season! And Why not TREAT YOURSELF while you’re at it!

It’s contagious!—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Take Back Your Life Success Bundle is ONLY $99! (Reg $149)

Gifting yourself or those you love has never been easier or more impactful.

It’s contagious!

Boo! Don’t Be Scared This Spooky Season

Boo! Don’t Be Scared This Spooky Season

When you’re cuddled up to watch the latest thriller, and your heart rate jumps, and you jump right along with it while the bad guy pops out from behind the creaky door, that’s the good kind of scary!  It’s the kind that’s full of laughter and full of fun during this spooky season. 

But there’s also another kind of more serious scary. It’s the kind that stops you from being all you’re really meant to be!

Boo! Don’t Be Scared This Spooky Season

This Halloween season, let’s focus on that first scary instead of the second one! When it comes to the scary that throws a wrench in your goals, or makes you think that you’re not capable of doing something, that’s the bad guy you have to defeat in real life. It’s your life, and you’re meant to be living it YOUR way, not the way the obstacles are trying to limit you to living.

When real fear starts to get out of control, it can really take over your life without you even realizing it. Pretty soon you’ll know in your subconscious mind that you’re being held back, even if you don’t want to admit that it’s the fear doing it’s best work to get to you. Fear is a challenge, and you’ve got to beat it if you want to get back on your own track!

The best thing you can do about the bad fear is to notice it early and defeat it while it’s still small. For this reason, it’s really important to prioritize taking back your life, and to keep your eyes on the prize!.

Because…There is no challenge you cannot overcome, there is nothing too scary to stop” you from accepting your real happiness, and I assure you that taking back your life is the way to get there! Build your vision board, practice mindfulness, nourish your spiritual, mental, and physical self, and pretty soon you’ll see that there is no fear in this world that can defeat you! 

Bam!  You get what I’m saying?

Don’t let this Halloween season deter you from your goals. Do you boo! 🙂 and contact me today to see how we can keep you on the straight and narrow.


Whether with my clients or with any speaking engagement my mission is the same….I want everyone to walk away feeling inspired to make HEALTHY choices and POSITIVE changes.  I also do it to empower you to realize your worth, strength, and potential! Learn more—>

I loved speaking to your organization, Michelle Patterson! Thank you for your amazing review!

Boo! Don’t Be Scared This Spooky Season


Where Do You Want To Go?

Where Do You Want To Go?

Where Do You Want To Go?2019 is winding down fast and there still never really seems to be enough hours in the day. I’m sure you can relate. But if you’ve stuck with it, I bet you’ve taken big strides towards your goals for the year. And even if you haven’t, NOW is a good time to reroute your navigation system so you can handle the holidays with pride. The new year is approaching – and with that new year comes a fresh start.

No matter where you’re at in your life, it’s never too late to start making significant changes for the better. But before you can start the journey or even prepare for it, you’ll have to answer one key question: Just where do you want to go?

Instead of just making a hollow resolution this year, let’s take a moment to really get to the meat of the question. Take a minute and write down some basic goals for yourself – maybe they’re professional, maybe they’re personal. But start off by listing some of them. Some options may include things like:

· Get fitter
· Change your nutrition plan for good
· Workout more
· Learn a new skill like a musical instrument
· Go to a new place
· Start a new career path

No matter what, you’ll want to lay a foundation. You have time now to start figuring out your goals and then set up a roadmap on how to get there. This early planning can help you figure out what steps to take and also help you determine exactly how realistic your goals are. It can also help you get your mindset in the right place so you can begin properly and move towards your goals in the right way.

If you’re serious about your future, there are few things more important than taking the time to plan a new start on a new path. Think about it, plan it out, and you’ll be able to make sure 2020 is your best year ever! And as always, you can count on me to be here to help wherever possible!


My mission in life is to help people TAKE BACK THEIR FABULOUS & reach their potential. If this is what you’re looking for whether it’s on a personal level OR in a Keynote Speaker click here —>

I am so blessed to be able to meet people every day & help them achieve their dreams! My client’s have much to say about that.

– NO…Jay Jay you are a Goddess! Keep up the great work!

Where Do You Want To Go?


Let’s Get Pumped!

Let’s Get Pumped!

Let’s Get Pumped!Hey it’s your girl Wendy Ida and I’m back in the saddle again!

It’s been a while since my last communication and I’ve missed you! Life has a funny way of getting in the way sometimes but it’s never too late to fix it and ever so important to charge ahead in spite of it all in order to reach your goals and find your joy.

I hope you’re healthily working through your day and trying to reach whatever fitness and health goals you’ve set for yourself. But, I also know that it can be a tough journey and it’s far too common for us to end up facing difficult moments that really challenge us.

Whether it’s a lack of motivation, hitting a plateau that we don’t seem to be able to break through, or something else, these are the moments that really test you – and that can make or break your success. We all experience them, but it’s how we rise to the occasion that dictates our future.

If you’re facing one of those tough moments here’s a few simple things that can keep you pumped up, motivated, and driven.

Let’s Get Pumped!• Reaffirm your Goals! – Think about your goals. Think about where you want to be and where you’re trying to get, then review all the goals you’ve already reached. That boost of confidence is a great first step.

• Change it Up! – Sometimes we just reach a point when we feel like we’re a hamster on a wheel, constantly spinning and running and never getting anywhere. Now’s when you need to change things up! Try a new recipe, add some different smoothies to the morning, and find a few workout routines that will change things. If you’re an outdoor runner, change your trail or path for a few days. Keep things fresh and it will help immensely.

• Set Smaller Milestones And Bigger Rewards – Need a boost? Pump yourself up with a promise of a big reward, but a smaller milestone goal. Maybe buying yourself that new pair of shoes if you just log in an hour jog today. Often, reaching those smaller milestones is all it takes to stay pumped.

• Get Help! – For the BIG boost you really need…It’s important to talk with a coach or fitness professional – like myself – as a source of inspiration and to get the right information when you’re facing tough moments or looking for accountability in your journey. One of the things I pride myself on is customizing a safe but effective program that fits my clients body type (Whether they live in the US or outside of the country) and will get them maximum results in little time. Also friends and coworkers can be great workout partners and a source of support.

These are just some of the simple ways you can stay pumped, keep your drive, and reach your fitness goals. Keep focused on the destination you’re trying to reach and stay positive and you WILL get there!

It happened for me and it can happen for you too. So don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information on how I can help you!

Make the Decision to Set Yourself Free

Make the Decision to Set Yourself Free

Hope you had an amazing Easter and are looking forward to the beautiful months ahead.

Lately, I’ve been asked a question that seems to reoccur over and over again for many years now.

“Wendy how did you do it? How did you transition from your life as a victim of domestic violence and losing 80lbs to winning awards, writing bestseller books and being so inspirational?”

My response is this: The day I made the decision to push through my fears and start believing in myself and believing that the process of achieving health & getting my life back could work for me…it did.

It doesn’t matter what your problems are or how long you’ve held on to them you can be free of them today. You have to let the resentment go, let the fear go and stop being angry with what happened to you in the past. Forgive yourself and others so you can be set free. TODAY you can experience miracles if you set the intention and make the decision that (come hell or high water) you will be stronger, healthier, wealthier or have more satisfying relationships. Once you decide things will magically align and be in divine order. 

It works for me every time.

This process can be challenging but nevertheless achievable. If I can assist you in how to break down this process so it works optimally for you please do not hesitate to contact me by email at:

I’m looking forward to the month of May because it’s my birthday which feels like Christmas for me!

Sparks fly with online parties, LIVE presentations (May 23rd- Register below)

 AND my private coaching specials plus other products – 30% off all month long!

So look out for all of it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, see my website at under the tab “work with Wendy” or just send me an email and ask me about my birthday specials. 

Hot dog!  So nothing is stopping you now!  Let’s party!!!



Does age have you by the throat because you’re feeling like you don’t matter anymore or somebody told you that you’re too old, too sick or too tired to make a difference in the world? NONSENSE

If you ascribe to any of that chatter I guess you didn’t hear that times have changed! AARP, however, is making sure more people get the message through their Magazine and videos and I am honored to be among them this month.

See for yourself…Click Photo.

The good news is…it’s not too late for you to become a part of this change. Whether you are over 40,50, 60 or more –these are the most exciting times of your life. Contrary to what some believe you can STILL make an undeniable impact in the world.

If you’ve lived this long you have the gift of WISDOM, but you have to use it wisely if you truly desire to make an impact and not waste it on trivial things.

You also have POWER if you have wisdom and that power can make a tremendous impact on your life and the lives of others around you.

The question however is…will you choose to take advantage of your gifts.
You have two choices. You can be a bystander and wait for life to play out for you OR you can get there with intention and take control of every opportunity regardless of how uncomfortable you feel. As a result, you can have the best joy ride of your life!

I am committed to the joyride. What are you committed to?

To get your mojo back you have to: Stay relevant, Get creative, Stay active and reinvent yourself.Otherwise, you lose that spark and become old and outdated.

This is your lifeline.

Here’s what I know. Taking good care of yourself in the way you know you should is often difficult. Busy days and nights take its toll on our bodies, minds and souls that causes our motivation to wane.

I get it. Been there done that. I know how daunting that cycle can be. But here’s what I also know. You can rise up out of that cycle. You CAN do better and I am dedicated to giving you the tools you need to succeed.

If you are ready to make a change, but finding it difficult to do so and…

If you find yourself staring at the walls because you don’t know what to do next, let me know and I’d be happy to point you in the right direction.

Isn’t it time you trusted yourself enough to do something different so you can get different results.REAL RESULTS!


For more information on how you can work with me send me a note by clicking here –>

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

Dreams Don’t Work Unless You Do — So Get Ready to Take Action

Ready - Time for ActionI’ve met all kinds of people over the years, at all ages and stages — and all different kinds of “ready”. Are you READY to embrace your new life? Keep reading…. You could be closer than you think! Which one of these sounds like you?


These people have already taken the first steps toward embracing change in their lives. They KNOW what works for them. They KNOW what they want to achieve. And they’ve already reshaped their lives to make room in their life for the changes that they’re seeking. What does someone like this need with a coach? STRUCTURE and KNOWLEDGE. Even an elite athlete like Serena Williams has a coach to help her stay on top of her game. Many celebrities at the top of their professions do the same.

IF THIS IS YOU, then the one thing you need to remember is to be OPEN to your coach’s guidance. You’ve gotten this far. Your coach can help you reach new levels of greatness — IF you let her.


Some people are so READY to change that they’re practically leaping off the starting line — they just need a little push to get going, and some motivation to stay the course. They’ve realized that their current habits and mindset are working against them. They have a pretty realistic idea about where they want to go, even if they don’t have all the details worked out. What these people need is ACCOUNTABILITY and GUIDANCE. They need someone to stay with them, to help them keep moving toward their goals, and to help guide them through the decisions down the road that they haven’t anticipated.

IF YOU ARE HERE, then trust me — when you get rolling, you are going to do great things. The important thing to do is to LISTEN to your coach. And give her FEEDBACK, too, about what really works for you and what’s only OK. Let’s be honest — once you start, not every day is going to be super-fantastic goal-smashing. Change is hard work, and it takes time! But over time you will see your goals getting closer and closer. And the next thing you know, you’ll be making new ones.


Some people WANT to change their lives… or at least they want their lives to change. But they can’t quite see HOW to take the first step, or they have trouble believing that they can really do it. These people are right on the cusp — the tipping point of being READY. It’s a special place to be. We’ve all been there. What people need most at this stage is ENCOURAGEMENT to take the plunge, and INSPIRATION to trust their vision for a better future.

IF THIS IS WHERE YOU ARE, take heart! You’ve already taken the first step toward change, just by realizing that things don’t have to stay the same forever. Think about your vision and what your first step toward it is. Ask yourself what’s holding you back from that first step. Often it’s a practical concern like money or family. I get it! Sometimes reality has you under a rock, and you feel you need stay there to protect yourself — personally, financially, or otherwise. Concerns like this can look like huge, insurmountable roadblocks, and make you feel like you’re not READY.

But hang on! You’re closer to READY than you think. Trust your vision. Start figuring out what to do to make room in your life for the changes you want. Push ahead and commit to that action. And when you do… guess what? Doors WILL open. It’s true! New resources or opportunities will come through that you didn’t expect — because you never asked. Roadblocks will come down… or you will find a different route. It happens when you “go all in” and commit to action — and it doesn’t happen until you COMMIT.

What do you need from your coach at this stage? First, you need someone who will help you refine your VISION and design a roadmap to make it reality. Second, you need someone to help you understand your PRIORITIES and carve out space for you amid the chaos of uncertainty. Most importantly, you need a coach who will focus on your whole life, not just one part of it.

Take Action

Ready - Set - Go - Wendy running on the beachSo let me ask again…. Are you ready? Maybe a better question is — what are you ready FOR? However far along you are in transforming your life, take confidence! When you take action, look out — change will blossom in your life!

Ready…. Set…. Go!








You Can Be an Inspiration!

You Can Be an Inspiration!

Me and my granddaughter AubreyA few months ago, a trainer based in Atlanta contacted me on Facebook asking if I would leave an encouraging word for one of his clients. 58 years old, 5 feet-4 inches tall, with two adult children, she had struggled with motivation until her trainer showed her a few photos of me, and then gave her my book, Take Back Your Life.

“There were several similarities in your story and hers,” he wrote to me. “You became a living, breathing visual aid that gave her a clear picture of where in fitness I was trying to take a woman her age. Your example took away all of the excuses that could possibly haunt her.”


I’ve been working in this business for over 22 years now helping people reinvent their lives, but it’s always a little breathtaking to hear that I’ve been a source of inspiration in helping someone turn the corner on their goals—even (or maybe especially) when I’ve never had the pleasure of meeting them personally. What a blessing and an honor!

Don’t get me wrong…. I’m aware that I’m an inspiration to other people. Looking back on MY story even inspires me! That’s one of the reasons why I decided to take this path and do what I do. It was the best thing I could do to make use of the gifts I’ve been given. The fact that it took me 40-plus years before I uncovered those gifts just makes the whole experience that much sweeter.

But hear me when I say this: YOU can be an inspiration, too. Whether you believe it now or not.

I hear you saying, “No, not me.” Yes, you! BUT… there are two things you need to do first.

FIRST, you HAVE to take care of you.

Take care of you by honoring yourself and cleaning your own “house”. Your body. Your mind. Your long-term health. Your personal safety. This is NOT selfish! When you do this, you honor your Creator—because your life and your body are gifts, and you are honoring the Giver by taking care of them.

SECOND, get yourself a TEAM.

It’s not easy taking control of your life, and you shouldn’t do it alone. Find your tribe. The ones that “get” you. The person that has stuck with you through it all. The gang down at the gym that is rooting for you. The friends that love dancing to the same music you do. A co-worker or classmate. A teacher. Or a coach—that’s what we’re here for! Finding my tribe is how I made it to where I am now—sticking with me through hell and back! Unconditional love from your support team is what will help you shut out your fears and become empowered.

And as you enjoy the company of your tribe and start to get your own house in order, guess what…? People will notice. Your family, your kids. Friends and coworkers. Even folks in the grocery store… at the bus stop… in the deli where you grab lunch. These people already see you almost every day. And as they see the changes you’re making, you WILL become an inspiration—a living, breathing example that makes their excuses evaporate.

There’s a quote I like that says, “Be strong—you never know who you are inspiring.” But there are many different kinds of strength. Physical strength. Determination. Strength of character. The courage to take the first step. The courage to keep showing up and moving a little bit closer to your goals every day. You don’t have to sit in fear. You don’t have to keep moving in circles.

Decide to honor yourself, and find your tribe. Then you’ll find that you can have the life you’ve always dreamed of. AND you can live and act in a way that inspires other people to make positive changes in their lives, too!

Because you never know who is watching! 

I enjoy watching my granddaughter Aubrey watch me… AND mimic my moves! 

Aubrey doing pushups with me!



