If you are not moving, I want you to join me this very moment. March away those pounds before they march away you! I’m serious!

I’ve sent you a video to start you off!

It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s a great way to get started. It’ll get your blood flowing and keep your mind and soul guarded.

I promise you…you’ll want to reach for the stars and break out of those bars and heck you may also want to “Dance with the Stars.”

But your depression and anger will surely fade out and in its place a zest for life is what you’ll be telling the world about…

Who cares? I do! So let’s do this…together!



Everybody knows when it comes to health and wellness you can count on me to give it to you straight. No beating around the bush, no sugar coating, nothing but the truth! That’s how I show love. It’s only because I want you to be your best self and I want you to live those goals and dreams some of you have told me about.

Keep in mind however, that it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun too. In fact, studies show that those who are having fun when exercising do it longer, more often and enjoy the many health and body benefits that come along with it.

That being said… I had to get in on the latest dance craze! The “Watch me Nae Nae” song and dance. Everybody’s gone wild! That includes me too. Buck Wild! And since I love dance as part of my cardio…Just had to do it!

C’mon and join me in my video version. It’s great cardio!



Did you miss my live interview on San Diego Living? Don’t worry; you can view it now below!

Try out the combo move that Marc and I did. It’s four moves in one. It will test your endurance; work your upper body, your lower body, and your core.

Here’s how to do it!

a. You’re going to squat, come up, jump left, jump right and shoulder press. That counts as 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Next without stopping…

b. Go into pushup position with weights in hand and alternate doing a right arm row, left arm row and a pushup. That is 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Now just repeat (a & b) on the other side by jumping right, then jump left with shoulder press and so on. That counts as 1 set. Work up to doing three sets.

That’s it!

If you are a beginner, start with only one move and then move on but finish strong.

Overall, just have fun with it! That’s the key! That’s what I do!

Then just dance like nobody’s watching! ☺

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!



cardiogroupHope you had a great Memorial Day weekend! I noticed there was something different and really magical for me this particular holiday more than other Memorial day weekends and it made me smile. It all started as I tried to find a park on my way to the gym. When I entered the gym the activity was electric and full of life and bodies. Not only that, but you could feel the positive attitudes, happy laughter and absence of stress on peoples face. Zumba classes were filled to capacity, cardio machines all busy and weights were a popp’in. It was totally awesome! I mean it’s so nice to feel the positive energy flowing like that from people all striving for the same thing – to achieve their best bodies, best health and best life.

I know, I know what you are going to say. Well of course people were in the gym because lots of folks don’t have to work that day. Well let’s look at the bright side of it. They could have been somewhere else on their day off doing much worse things. So it’s a great start to making changes in your life that really count. My mission would be to show them how to hang in there and continue this behavior long after going back to work. But the simple fact that people choose to come to the gym on their off day is a good thing. I’m just giving credit where it is due.

It’s become clear to me that more people then ever before are sick and freaking tired of feeling bad, being invisible and feeling like life and their dreams as a result is passing them by. Some are doing something about it and others don’t know what to do about it so they sit and ponder.

I say with love to those people who ponder. Don’t create more anxiety and depression for yourself by sitting on your hands because it won’t go away unless you stand up, take charge and make significant changes. On the other hand, what I do know for sure is that it is difficult for many people to get up and take charge on their own and stay at it when emotional needs, stress and lifestyle have got you down.

If you are shut down and don’t know what to do next get the support you need to succeed. Seek out someone you trust that can get you the right information, keep you motivated, hold your hand and keep you accountable to insure you make long-term lifestyle changes.

The bottom line is that you CAN feel better, live longer, have the body you want and make a difference in the world. You DON’T have to always be in pain, feel sick or slow down because you’re past the age of 40. Age is not a factor or an excuse!

You have HUGE control over your situation. You just have to know how to use it.

Wendy’s Fit Fax Tips!

Statistics show and prove that people are living longer as a result of being more conscious of their health, but so many more need assistance. Start here by getting real with these tips:

  1. Get real and get rid of the “I want it now mentality.” It’s never going to happen for you otherwise. Any healthy and significant changes take time and patience.
  2. Develop an operating system. Pick which days of the week and optimal times you will workout each week on your calendar. Label it something like an important meeting with yourself. If you really want to get this system down start with only one or two days so its not stressful and grow from there.
  3. Find your best source of accountability. This is key because most people fall off the wagon right here. Find someone who not only can help you get going, but stay going until you understand how your body works. Get some basics as well as learn how the mind, body and nutrition work together. It could be a buddy or family member to get you started, but its also important to find a trusted mentor, coach or fitness professional to guide you to your goal for the long haul.

commentHave you found the guidance, help or support you need to succeed yet?




Kick it with Wendy in this Motivational Dance!
Kick it with Wendy in this Motivational Dance #2

Make it a
 jump-start to the rest of your life!

People always ask me how I stay in shape and mange to look so youthful and I tell them I shake it up! I just turned 63 this month and my spirit is so alive! I am just bouncing off the walls. You want to know why? I am so much better at 63 than I was at 33. I’m healthier, happier, stronger, smarter and I feel sexier!

My secret is simple. I strive to live a clean and balanced lifestyle everyday. Well I know you have heard that before. Am I right or am I right? Right! Well obviously there is a lot more to it than that in order to achieve your optimal goals.

Yes, I work out daily; yes I eat good small nutritional meals and try to keep my stress low. I also work hard, but play hard as well (The only way to go). But it still takes more to achieve your ultimate health and dream body goals.

The real test and magic is in doing all those things when you just don’t feel like doing them. I got up just this morning feeling like that. That bed felt cozy, my pillow felt warm and my body was tired. I had had a tough week. Oh and the voice in my head said, “Lay here a while. You need to rest today.” This was a perfect recipe for any excuse to skip my workout.

There are always going to be days like this. The secret sauce is pushing through those times and getting it done anyway. When you do this consistently it pays off BIG TIME and YOU WIN!


Here’s what some folks say about it:

ria-nagRia Nag
Do the damn thing!!!
Get it!!

necey-jeffersonNecey Jefferson
Go on girl! Do that “Four Corners” (what you called “The Shing-A-Ling)!!! Hahahaha!

I got your DVD a few weeks ago, and you’ve been kickin’ my tail ever since (but I LOVE it)! Thank you sooo much!

Wendy’s Fit Fax Tips!

Here’s how to WIN BIG on those days when you want to stay in bed or you are too tired after work to do your workout.

  1. Don’t entertain the thought. When you find yourself in a similar situation as I just described like feeling all warm and fuzzy in bed, immediately divert your mindset to the feeling you get when you are done with your workout and how proud you feel having accomplished it.
  2. Don’t negotiate. If you go back and forth negotiating with yourself on whether or not you should workout that day or if you start thinking about the busy day you have had or intend to have, you will eventually lose the battle and skip your work out. Often what follows is a pattern that snowballs you into a downward spiral, which can lead right back to ground zero – a sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Visualize your new body. The moment you feel a little doubt creep into your mind about not doing your workout, visualize the beautiful picture of you already in your new body or see your health goals already achieved and how amazing that feels to you. If you do this right, I guarantee you it will light a fire under your butt and you will leap out of bed or kill it in the gym right after work.

commentWhat other things have you tried and it worked for you to kick your own butt and kill it in the gym?




Wendy Ida, BFW Magazine

Tear sheet from the inside of BFW Magazine.
Photographer, Roneique Banks & Kanika Utley, Creator/Publisher

Thank you BFW for capturing another great shot!

I just want to know one thing. Do you have your beach body ready yet or are you still hiding? If you are hiding, not to worry! There is still time and still hope if you are willing to buckle down. Above all, don’t stress because there’s one thing I know for sure and that is…stress will assist you in body fat retention and pack on the pounds. Who needs that these days, right?

Instead reawaken your mind, search your soul and get in tune with your body to see the big picture…but focus on the small steps that will get you there.

To keep yourself in check and stay motivated, use the magic of visualization. Hang a poster up in your bedroom or bathroom that shows a reformed picture of the new you (how you envision yourself when you reach your goals). Hang a bikini next to it. Make sure the bikini is the size you aspire to be.

The other thing that is extremely important in this equation is figure out what your purpose or reason is for wanting to change your life. Watch out because this has got to be a good one! What I am saying is, you have to have a higher purpose in order to make progress and stay focused or the magic won’t stick. Just like every other time you did the yo-yo dance, that’s what you will keep doing unless you have a genuinely good reason for wanting to change your life. Then jot that reason down on your poster and view it everyday to stay on track.

This is just for starters folks. I could write about this all day long. But I can better show you and coach you through this also.

Seeing it is one part — achieving it is the other. You don’t have to do it alone.

Keep your mind on the body you want for the beach. But also focus on activities you love, begin replacing bad foods for healthier ones and find the support you need to succeed if you can’t do it on your own to insure your success.

Better late than never. Now is the time to get to work to make it happen. Are you in? Let’s go then, ’cause it’s crunch time baby!

Wendy’s Fit Fax Tips!

The truth is life happens and there is always going to be a certain amount of stress in your life, but its how you manage it’s how you manage it that counts. Here’s what I do:

  1. The truth is…I find something to laugh at everyday — movies, standup comedy and sometimes I am my own comedy. I can get sill and funny too with the things I create. Let’s just say, I like to keep things interesting.
  2. The truth is…I don’t hold grudges. It ain’t that serious, I always say. Life is too short. Grudges only harden your heart and decay your soul.
  3. The truth is…Resolve your issues. Forgive your past and forgive yourself. Say what you feel and mean what you say. Unresolved issues are like a growing disease or inferno that one day will combust and destroy you.

commentThe question is: What will you do different this time to make it work for you?




Spring is here already and it’s bathing suit season. Yes, it has sneaked up on you again! So let’s crank up the body and shift into gear if you haven’t done so already.

Winter kind of takes it’s toll on you especially in the Eastern parts of the country. People are generally more sedentary and tend to find comfort on a regular basis with a warm blanket or warm body and some hot cocoa as a coping tool. But, it packs on the pounds BIG TIME! I’ve been there and done that believe me! I grew up on the East Coast.

Here’s the good news! IT’S NOT TOO LATE! Yes, there’s still time to get your body out of hibernation and out on the beach! But you’ve got to push through the rest of this month and into the next to keep your body in motion. Don’t worry…I’m with you all the way!

In fact, let me re-ignite the fire under your butt with this video.

Warning the video will end after a few minutes, but that is your cue to keep going! ☺

Now is the time to make things happen! Now is what matters! Now you can change your body and “TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE!”

Are you in? THEN LETS DO THIS!


Lets stay on track with these small adjustments. Remember every little step you take winds up being a HUGE JUMP! That means significant improvements for you!

  1. Watch the video included in this section and work with me.
  2. Find a trainer or coach that will design a custom weight-training program for you. Here’s what it should include:
    1. A core program design that will engage your entire body.
    2. Instruction on proper form and technique to avoid injury and assist you functionally.
    3. Scheduled flexibility exercises that fit your lifestyle
  3. Cut your meal portion amounts by ONLY 25% this month.

commentSo are you ready? If so great! If not, why not? What’s holding you down?

Who is the OTHER WOMAN in your LIFE?

Who is the OTHER WOMAN in your LIFE?

Have you been celebrating this month? If not, you still have time. This is the month to celebrate women! Even though March 8th is technically International Women’s Day, I’ve taken the liberty of celebrating the entire month with special recognition to women. I just think we deserve it, that’s all! All around the world, International Women’s Day represents an opportunity to celebrate and recognize women and their achievements. It’s a great way to honor women.

Have you given thought to how you should honor yourself and/or that special woman in your life? As I think back, I realize that I had support in many different ways from women along the way. They lifted me up (and some tore me down), guided me, offered a kind word or two and sometimes just held me while I cried. ALL were important lessons. Some stayed in my life for a while and others for only a minute, but ALL were significant and contributed to who I am today. I am so grateful. Now I get to pay it forward. And for me that’s what it’s all about.

I want to pay special tribute to a special lady who happens to be one of my clients who just completed my year-long program. I also want to share her testimony. It’s powerful and speaks volumes as to the strong woman she is and is yet to become.

She sent me two-dozen blue roses and the following email:

Wendy, I absolutely adore you and look forward to working with you again when the time is right. You’ve set the foundation for the rest of my life! And these other trainers can’t hold a candle to you…STRAIGHT UP! See my recommendation letter below:
With Love…JJ

before-after Jamessa Jones

Before – 187lbs | After – 145lbs
JJ’s not ready to show her face yet in the before photo
I’m hoping one day she will be…

Letter of Recommendation for Mrs. Wendy Ida:

For those of you who have yet to experience what Wendy has to offer hold tight and get excited for your opportunity!

Wendy is absolutely one of the most dynamic, insightful, and as you most likely already know, beautiful women I have ever had the privilege of meeting!

As a founder and VP of Talent Acquisition for ImagineIT INC, I interact with hundreds of people yearly from around the planet. My position provides me a unique perspective into people types, what motivates them, and even more importantly…what they have to contribute to our world. Wendy Ida is someone divinely appointed and perfectly equipped to deliver her many gifts.

So how did I find Wendy? Near my 40th birthday I began feeling less than excited about my life. As one of those A++ personality types I was drained from imbalances I’d allowed by overexerting myself professionally and personally. I needed a boost and started searching. Somehow, I stumbled on her book, Take Back Your Life. I read it end-to-end and immediately reached out to schedule our first consult. From call one I knew I was on to something extraordinary. Still, my intent was to attend a few 1:1s, learn some exercises, and continue on my own. A year and a half later I’ve only just moved on from consistent 3x weekly 1:1 sessions, kept Wendy on speed dial, and I’m now strutting across stages with the fittest of the fit in bedazzled bikinis winning first place trophies at muscle contests. Not bad for a new hobby;). In all I’ve enjoyed exponential growth in all areas of wellness; my confidence is through the roof, and I’ve learned to cultivate an inexhaustible source of power. You can too if you trust Wendy with you!!

Since completing my first round of training with Wendy I’ve spent more than a bit of time trying to nail down exactly what she did to bring me away from that funk I was heading for. Was it something specific she said? An exercise she taught that somehow unblocked a clogged channel inside? Was it the motivation she imparted when I realized this 60+-year-old beauty could out do me in any squat, burpee, press, lift or other routine she created for me? Yes, yes, yes, and then some…

During our training I was also being mentored emotionally and challenged to mature as a woman, mother, and wife. WHAT?! When did she sneak that in? I recall countless instances where Wendy helped me identify and conquer perceived challenges to my physical/muscle development…challenges that truthfully had little or nothing to do with my physicality. Her approach to fitness/coaching is a comprehensive one. Though you may connect with a specific goal in mind, Wendy can tailor your program to include everything necessary for continued success. You just need to trust her, be honest, and follow her instructions impeccably. Trust her wealth of experiences as a wellness consultant; nutritionist, fitness champion, Guinness Book World record holder, motivational speaker, actress, world traveler, and model (to name a few). These achievements provide her sensibilities and insight few in her field can offer. Wendy will deliver BIG TIME!

She’ll teach you to care for your body beginning with the way you think. She will also provide you a sustainable foundation of knowledge and confidence to support and encourage continued growth when you’re ready to move on. Folks, this woman is truly a Goddess among mortals. I am so thankful to have invited her into my life. I hope you do too!

Designed by Wendy…Jamessa Jones

Thank you for sharing Jamessa. I am open to receive this gift and the two-dozen blue roses you sent.

My thoughts are, you got results because you made the decision, you sought support and you followed through – that’s a WIN in my book!


  1. Give that special someone a long time coming compliment or show of your appreciation or affection while there’s still time. My mom used to say, give me my flowers while I’m alive. I can’t smell them when I’m gone.
  2. Celebrate yourself. You are valuable! Book an appointment at a spa or salon. Step back and take time to smell the coffee. Honoring the beautiful woman that you are is important to your well-being.
  3. Find encouragement through affirmations, positive people & motivational material. Also, join my coaching program to learn how to Take Back Your Life and be your best you.

commentCan you name at least one person that has impacted your life? What was that experience like?

Do You Feel Sluggish and Don’t Know Why?

Do You Feel Sluggish and Don’t Know Why?

women-at-work-mid-termIs your energy a 10 yet? I sent you a video last week to re-ignite that spark you had in the beginning of the year. You know…the healthy new goals you set for yourself. I hope you were motivated to move along with me in the video and keep it going long after. Well, the idea is to stay focused on your goals by powering through March like you’re on a mission. Because the next time you blink people will be walking around in bathing suits, and I know you want to be there too. I know you do.

Like Michael Jackson says, “I wanna be where you are oh! I wanna be where you are oh oh!” ☺

I know, I know…I can hear you saying: “Easier said than done”. Right? I get that. Sometimes it goes a little deeper than merely saying, “Just do it” (like Nike says). Well let’s explore why it’s harder for some folks.

The fact is, so many people, especially this winter, are moving slowly and wondering why they don’t have energy. They have no energy to get out of bed, exercise, do their job, or go the extra mile. They just don’t feel up to doing much of anything let alone exercising. Am I peeping your card?

If this sounds like you, one of many reasons could be the culprit. Poor nutrition, lack of exercise, chronic stress, and some medications are examples of big energy sappers. So, it’s important to put yourself in check with these things first to fix the sluggish behavior. If that doesn’t do the trick, plan a visit to your doctor to get more answers.

There are so many other things that could make you sluggish. Something more unusual that has come to my attention recently, which also saps your energy, is “leaky gut syndrome” (LGS). It is still a bit of a medical mystery and difficult to diagnose, but could be something else to check into if you are still experiencing low or no energy. Other symptoms of LGS besides the aches, pains and energy loss are bloating, cramping and gas. According to Dr. Linda A. Lee, Gastroenterologist and director of the John Hopkins Integrative Medicine and Digestive Center, studies have shown that some of the causes of “leaky gut syndrome” are stress related along with lifestyle and nutrition being huge contributors.

The message here is, to be careful and address any issues immediately, because if anything goes untreated, all of these things can compound and lead to other things if you don’t address what’s going on and how you are feeling.

Don’t think that feeling tired and sluggish is normal. And don’t think that it’s your age that makes you feel tired either. That’s just in your head. So get out of your head, get out of bed, and let’s get busy!

Wendy’s Fabulous Fit Fax Tips!

do thisTo get you started try some of the following things. You won’t feel sluggish once you do the repairs your body needs.

  1. Remove foods and components that are damaging and replace with better choices one food item at a time. (For example, replace soda with ice tea, ice cream for yogurt, etc.)
  2. Add healing foods – Stay close to or eat raw and organic foods whenever possible. Many regular grocery stores now have an organic section that is generally better priced than places like Whole Foods.
  3. Reduce stress – Meditation is a great source for controlling stress. Also, get more sleep, have more fun, and get your groove on.

So let the healing begin so we can get you up and moving again!

Feel free to contact me if you need support or have any questions.

commentMy question to you is:
What is YOUR BIGGEST challenge?

Re-ignite that spark in your flame!

Re-ignite that spark in your flame!

wendy-beachAre you still on track this week with your goals? You know…the promises you made to yourself at the end of the year – more commonly known as New Year’s Resolutions. I always hear a lot of chatter in the gyms with the regulars, who we call gym rats, about how they hate when the gyms get so crowded in January and February because of the “New Year people.” What they also say is that they can’t wait for March to get here so the gym can clear, like it does each year, and they can hog up all the good stuff (machines) for themselves. They know those same “New Year” people generally give up, go home and stay there simply because they lose site of why they were there in the first place.

I say, don’t pay them any mind and by all means don’t let them win! Besides, it’s your gym too. Right? So don’t lose site now! You deserve this just as much as they do! Fight back by showing your presence regularly and just do your thing for you! Continue through all of March and the months to follow! Now if you are having trouble with your accountability or don’t know what to do next let me know and I will whip your booty into shape. Promise! ☺

It’s March and day light-savings time is here early this year! That means that spring is right around the corner, too. Use this month as a mile marker to get your second wind. Change it up this year so you can stick to the plan. Your plan, Your goals, Your dreams depend on it. Or don’t hesitate to contact me and I will show you how to re-invigorate yourself by finding that new something that will keep you on track and excited about making your vision a reality.

In the meantime, let me be the spark in your flame baby! Try out my new favorite moves in this video. It will ignite the fire within you once again! See the video below. But remember to keep it going long after the video ends because…

“Your spark can become a flame and change everything!”
– Ed Nixon

Wendy’s Fabulous Fit Fax Tips!

Start with some of these tips to keep it going in March and saddle up your shoelaces to really hit it hard now. You’ll be glad you did when summer gets here.

  1. Review your vision board to remember why you set new goals for yourself. If you don’t have one, make one and review it often especially when you are tempted to veer off to a less than healthy habit.
  2. Buddy up with a friend, co-worker or relative to keep you company this month and challenge each other in some of your activities.
  3. Add some new music to your selections to spice up your workouts.

Now you know what to do so go out and kick butt.

commentAre you still on track? If not, what actions have you chosen to take this year that will be different from last year to get you closer to the win? Let me know?

Balance is the Key to Body, Health & Sanity!

Balance is the Key to Body, Health & Sanity!

balanceHave you heard the phrase too much of anything is bad for you? If you have, it’s completely true, so take it seriously. Even that which is good for you can be bad for you if you have too much of it; for example, too much of any one vitamin can be hazardous to your health. Also, taking more than the recommended dosage of medicines like Tylenol or cold remedies can be a detriment to your health.

The point I’m making is that you have to strive for balance every day in your life. Don’t let too much of a good thing or bad thing wreak havoc in your life. Create those endorphins through activity and then if you are not already doing so, pamper yourself at least on a monthly basis. Do whatever it is that floats your boat. I mean do that thing that gives you relief and balance from the regular humdrum of life.

One of the things that take me there is massage therapy. That is my relief, pamper and therapy all rolled into one that keeps me straight and balanced after my amazing workouts. I like to get in touch with nature as well. Whether it is sitting on the beach and staring into the water and sunset or being in the mountains and taking in the fresh air with the sounds and movements of four-legged creatures running about; it is what grounds me and makes me not only appreciate, but also be grateful for the gifts I have.

It’s a fact that the body by nature always strives for a state of homeostasis, which is inner balance and how we were created. It is totally up to us, however, to be resourceful and mindful in assisting the body with what it needs to keep that peaceful balance internally and externally.

When you find your balance life will become more interesting and exciting and you will be surprised at how much more you’ll get done in a day or even an hour. Also, whether it be with your job, your workout or your love life, you will not only feel more complete, satisfied and confident with yourself, but you’ll find that you are more creative, energetic and motivated to reach your desired goals.

I don’t know if any one person can ever totally be in balance at any one time, because life is what it is and always has surprises for us from time to time, and let’s face it nobody is perfect. The important thing is to strive for it anyway, be forward thinking about it, and understand that balancing your health is your most important jewel – Mind, body and spirit!

Wendy’s Fabulous Fit Fax Tips!

Let me be very clear. An active body is a healthy body and a healthy mind can feed the soul. Try some of these strategies to help put your life in balance, but start one thing at a time so you can achieve a more solid and permanent life adjustment.

  1. First on my list, of course is to MAKE YOUR HEALTH A PRIORITY! GET ACTIVE and ENROLL IN A HEALTHY EATING PROGRAM! No way around it. Just take a walk to get yourself started if you haven’t already. This will help to clear your mind to make some good eating choices!
  2. Take time to be still with yourself everyday and listen to your soul. That means shutting out the noise like TV, radio, cell phones, people talking and all the other bells and whistles in your life. This will help you find answers!
  3. Pamper yourself. Give yourself the rewards and tender care it wants and needs. Make sure it is not edible though. Understand that it doesn’t have to be expensive either. Massage, an outfit, or tea with the girls and some good conversation are some choices. This will help you to recover!
  4. Expand your horizons by learning something new like a foreign language. It will stimulate your mind! Or find a hobby you are passionate about. It will help you find your purpose!

Now you know what to do. My fit fax tips can guide you to a good start. And remember this IS just a start. There is so much more!

commentDo you have balance in your life? What is it that you have to work on to find your balance?

How to Stay Fit in the Cold Winter Months

How to Stay Fit in the Cold Winter Months

© Kevin Arnold via Getty Images

© Kevin Arnold via Getty Images

Unless you live in places like California, gone are the carefree days of summer when waking up with the sun meant extra time for running, walking, hiking, cycling and countless other activities that help you keep fit for the skin-bearing summer. Like it or not, we are in the middle of winter and the dreaded doldrums of winter – like snow, high winds and rain have crept in and literally taken over.

Not only that, the shorter days pose a threat to exercise and fitness routines in addition to the seasonal holidays that are filled with decadent dishes daring to tip the scales in the wrong direction. I’m sure you can relate.

Well all of that can dampen your spirits when it comes time for working out. Right? Well…maybe and maybe not. In climates where winter brings shorter days, longer nights and frigid temperatures, it’s easy to let exercise routines slip by the wayside.

But I say not to worry, because there are ways to keep motivation high and conquer those obstacles during the winter months. Here’s the deal…you don’t have to completely dodge indulgence, but sticking to a healthy plan of living can help you stay fit year-round.

Wendy’s Fabulous Fit Fax Tips!

No one can do it for you, choose to use your wingsTo emerge from the winter just as fit as you entered it, I want you to try the following tips to help you stay on track and keep motivation high. These are four of my favorites that I have used repeatedly to stay in shape.

    1. Join a fun exercise class. It may be difficult to get out of bed just to go to the gym and do the same old same old, but joining a new spin or yoga class can be just the change you need to keep you motivated.
    2. Invest in a stationary bike or treadmill. With winter come new episodes of your favorite prime time TV shows. Take advantage of the extra time spent watching television time by adding some exercise component. You can look forward to seeing how the plots and characters develop and stay fit.
    3. Hold on to the muscle you developed over the summer by doing some weight training exercises at home. You can do body weight exercises or with a couple of dumbbells get in a fast and complete workout. Make it fun by challenging yourself during TV commercials to see how many exercises you can complete.
    4. Control your portion sizes. Winter is packed with wonderful holiday traditions that naturally come with mouth-watering and calorie-rich foods. Don’t overdo it. After you fill your plate, divide your portions in half. Eat half and save the rest for another day. While you won’t be depriving yourself, you won’t be overdoing it either.

Now you know what to do. My fit fax tips, can guide you. You can stay fit this winter with no excuses necessary. So if you haven’t already, hunker down for the season and don’t forget about fun seasonal activities like snowshoeing, sledding and cross-country skiing.

commentNow think deep down…What is the biggest thing that has prevented you from working out on any given day aside from the winter months?