A Valentine Special Wish for you!

A Valentine Special Wish for you!

Val Day#3-2015Can I be your Valentine? Is that what I hear you saying right now…I mean this time of year? Sure! Why not? It is said in so many different ways and different languages that it can be infectious. It’s in the media, it’s in all the special Valentine’s Day sales, and it’s in all the chatter with people buying up special gifts and participating in special ceremonies.

This is a day to honor the loves in our lives (so they say) and more than any other day people are sharing love and making babies. The fact is… We all need love and want love on this day; on any day and every day we crave it.

We all want a soul mate right? Well think about this. How about being your own soul mate first? How about starting out with some self-love?  Although I am now known as America’s #1 expert on looking Fit, Fierce & Fabulous after 40, the truth is, I used to be one of those people too who didn’t love themselves and I know there are still too many people who don’t love themselves or their bodies.  As a coach I hear about it all the time.

Think of it this way. This is a day to honor your body, your spirit, and your livelihood first before you can turn to the loves of your lives. Who is more deserving of your love than you yourself?

Self-love is sexy! You know why? When you love yourself others can see it, and they are drawn like a magnet to you. Work on you so you feel good about you. Work on your body so you love your body and as a result you will love your life and prosper.

Start with my warm-up video and move with me to begin that process.

Click below to view it!

If you need more support consider joining my group coaching programs…See it here.

~ My Valentines wish for you is, that you will make it a priority to put health first, and loving others second. That way, the two become one and as a result you will experience ecstasy and love on a far deeper level.


Wendy’s Fabulous Fit Fax Tips!

Also check out these Fit fax tips to take your body and health to another level:

  1. Calm your mind and your spirit by beginning your day with meditation. It will help you focus on your goals of the day and help you complete the daily task to get you there. Additionally, it will help you resolve any unfinished history.
  2. To celebrate your special day, find something other than what you can put in your mouth like all the chocolate candy and sweets out there to satisfy you. But if you must and you just need to wet your whistle, try instead just two strawberries dipped in REAL Chocolate. Then savor it between you and your partner.
  3. Do something fun and active to honor your body and burn those calories.
    Now I know what comes to mind first when you think of activity on Valentine’s Day…Making love right?! I know…I’m a psyche. ☺ Well, that is usually a part of the perceived action anyway and well I’m there with you. So let me get you started on that or whatever else you have in mind with my warm up video.

Just follow along with me right now by clicking the video above.

commentOh yeah, keep up the good work!
Send me a note and tell me how you did with this one. Also tell me what you want to see more of.

Best Time of Day to Workout

Best Time of Day to Workout

Welcome back to my Fit, Fierce, and Fabulous after 40 Fridays!

What is the best time of the day to workout?
This week we are answering the question: “What is the best time for me to do my workout – Morning, afternoon, or evening?

I know why I’ve been asked this question so often, because if you’ve got to do the time, you want to make it count. You want to totally maximize on your time in the gym, right? Am I right? Right! You’re a smart cookie.

Here’s what you have to consider. First, you have to think about what time is the best time to space out time for myself where I won’t get a lot of interference. The other thing you have to think about is, “Am I a morning person or an evening person?” You put those things together, and it will bring you to your personal best time of day to workout. That time is when you are going to be most consistent with doing your exercise because it will be the most convenient. That’s where the magic is and that’s what counts. That’s what you have to think about.

If you are a morning person, and you don’t mind giving up some of that precious sleeping time, then morning is going to be the best time for you to workout.

If you are an evening person, and your job cuts off at 4 or 5 o’clock, if you can get out of the office at that time, evening is going to be your best workout time.

Some people have flexibility. If you are a business owner, then you can schedule out your own time. In that case choose whether morning or evening is best for your lifestyle. Maybe even afternoons could be the best time for you. If it is, workout during lunch time then eat lunch.

If none of what I said matters and any time of day will work for you, then I recommend that morning workouts are best for you. In the morning is when you will have the least amount of interference. Studies show people who workout in the morning is most successful. That is certainly my best time.

I love working out in the mornings. Number one, you don’t have to worry like you do at the end of the day or in the middle of the day about getting caught up with meetings or extra projects or getting caught up on the phone. Think about that. I’ve had all of that happen.

In the mornings, what also happens is OMG! You get this burst of energy! You get psyched for the day! You are able to handle those projects, those phone calls, those unruly people in your life very easily and calmly. What’s more is — you feel good. You just feel good! That’s those endorphins that work for you throughout the day. When I don’t get that, it’s like a cup of coffee in the morning for me; then my day is not the same. The next time you think about your day and planning out your workout and what time is best for you, think about that.

The most important thing is that you are consistent and you make it a habit; a lifetime habit. That’s the goal.

My Fabulous Fit Fax!

  1. Choose your workout time around the time of day that works best for you and your lifestyle – You are more likely to be consistent and therefore successful.
  2. If you choose to workout in the evenings don’t let co-workers or the boss compromise your time to get to the gym. Block off your calendar with the note: “Life or death meeting – Must attend” aka “Gotta get my workout on!” Think of it as a life insurance policy. Later everyone including you will appreciate the benefits.
  3. If you choose to workout in the mornings make sure you get in the habit of getting a good night’s rest so you can get up in the mornings. Yes, it’s a tradeoff – sleep for workout, but somebody’s gotta do it! ☺ Smile…It may be difficult at first, but once you establish a routine you won’t want it any other way.

If this was helpful to you, please share it with your friends and subscribe to my YouTube channel.

Also get my free eBook on my home page and I will share more tips with you on becoming… Fit, Fierce, and Fabulous after 40.

Until next week…Keep it moving, Baby!

commentNow I want to hear from you…
What time of day do you workout?
Why? How’s it working for you?

Motivation or Stinking Thinking:  How to get yours

Motivation or Stinking Thinking: How to get yours

Have you lost your motivation to exercise or be active again? Has age got you cornered and life got you down, because you are just not feeling it? Well if so, let me provide some insight, because I’ve been there and done that. I know what it feels like, and I definitely know what it takes to come out of that funk also known as “stinking thinking”.

My stinking thinking was so bad that at times I almost gave up. I used to give so many excuses for not doing what I was physically or mentally capable of doing. At the time, I thought they were good reasons, because I was afraid and didn’t know how to get out of my own way.

I would say things like, “I’m too tired to workout” or “I have a headache”. Due to my lack of planning I’d say a string of things like, “I was so busy today and I got caught up in a meeting now I don’t have time to cook. I’ll just pick me up some Kentucky Fried Chicken,” which turned out to be nightly, by the way. Many times I would even say, “Whew… I had a tough week so let me celebrate tonight with a movie”. That only gave me the permission to buy pizzas, soda, ice cream, and popcorn. That was my thing. Then I would fall asleep in the middle of it all with a full belly feeling satisfied – well, at least until I woke up. Then I felt fat, guilty, and depressed. This was a continuing cycle for me.

Have you experienced any of these feelings? If you are one of those people like I was always making excuses, I want to give you what I needed at the time – Information and Motivation.

This is your year and its time to get a fresh start! So I am sending a little love and motivation your way to get you back on track. Just to get you jump-started and put a smile on your face dance with me! Just get lost in the movement and the music! It will make your body smile! Watch the video here→


Oh, one other excuse I have heard women say is, I’m too old. You are NOT too old! Forget about what your Momma used to say. It’s a new day and a new way! And you have to set a new precedence for that pathway. You CAN do this!

If you want to go to the next level, don’t forget you can also sign up for my group coaching starting this Saturday for some up close and personal advice on how to get your life back on track.

Motivation is literally the desire to do things. It is a crucial element in being able to attain your goals. Research shows that you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. Having said that, it can be a tricky thing, because motivation or lack of it weighs heavily on how you feel as opposed to what logic says. And there are ways to make it work in your favor as opposed to keeping you down, out of sync, fearful, sedentary, and sick all the time.

So to help you figure it out and power through to the point of being where you want to be and who you want to be in order to “Take Back Your Life”, begin with these tips:

Fabulous Fit Fax!

  1. Change your routine often – Develop a workout routine where you are doing something different everyday.
  2. Set small specific goals – Its okay to set a goal of where you want to be this time next year, but don’t make the mistake of stopping there. Break it down into smaller pieces like monthly, weekly, and even daily milestones.
  3. Post a photo – Find a person or body type of where you aspire to be and post it up in a place where you cannot miss seeing it everyday. It will serve as a reminder and keep you on track.

What are your thoughts? Have you ended your stinking thinking and excuses? Were you able to follow along with me on the video? Did you keep going after the video ended? Remember it’s only to get you up off your butt and get you started. Feel free to post your comments below:

Eat to lose & keep it off!

Eat to lose & keep it off!

You know what? I just have to say something because I keep hearing over and over again these words, “I don’t have time to eat breakfast.” Really? I say, Make time if your health is important to you!

The other thing I hear is, “I had such a busy day. I’m too tired to workout.” And again I say, “Don’t let a busy life get in the way of a good workout.”

I know…I know what you’re going to say – Easier said then done Right? Well as you know I never like to tell you what not to do without giving you a plan on how to fix it.

So listen in on the segment I did yesterday (Jan 23, 2015) on TV with San Diego Living 6 – The CW shot live from 9am to 10am. I give tips on how to get your breakfast and your workout on!

Wendy on San Diego Living 6

Click on the image or here to view this segment.

In the meantime, be sure to leave your comments and thoughts with me.

Shout out to The CW for making me feel right at home! Tiffany you rock! And Mark you are going to make amazing progress this year! I just know it! I’ll be watching. 🙂

Many have asked the question – Where do I start? Breakfast is where you start. You must break your fast – Fast!

“People skip breakfast because they think they’re cutting calories, but in truth you are setting yourself up for failure because you are starving your body and causing it to increase or sustain weight gain. Your metabolism actually slows down and you tend to eat more later in the day. Plus your energy becomes erratic which is why many complain of lack of energy to not only do your workout but merely function during the day.

According to The National Weight Control Registry People who habitually eat breakfast have maintained a 30-pound (or more) weight loss.

Other research conducted found that regular breakfast eaters were more likely to exercise regularly. And women who ate breakfast regularly tended to eat fewer calories overall during the day.

Fabulous Fit fax!

  1. Start your day with two glasses of water with lemon
  2. Eat a light breakfast that includes protein and a good carb. Some examples are: Carbs – low sugar cereals, oatmeal, and fruit. Proteins – eggs, yogurt)
  3. Always carry healthy snacks with you (like nuts and fruit) so you keep your energy up and you don’t mindlessly nibble on the wrong stuff.

Remember to take one step at a time by developing one new habit at a time. I always say start small and go BIG, but be patient and you will win every time – You’ll reach your goals effortlessly! No Really! ☺

Health Clubs Affect Your Drive to Exercise

Health Clubs Affect Your Drive to Exercise

 The health club you choose can either be a major deterrent or motivate you to keep coming back and stay for longer periods of time.  So be careful when making your selection.  

 A major factor to start with is first being realistic with yourself.  Know what you are looking for in the first place. Some gyms cater more to athletes and body builders. Some cater to women only. In other gyms more socializing is going on than anything else, but that could be good if you’re looking to meet new friends.  If you have a busy lifestyle or the type of work you do has non traditional hours, you may need to have access twenty-four hours a day to work in your exercise routine.  Location also plays a major role in your drive to exercise. You simply will not be consistent if where you want to exercise is not convenient. 

 Once you find the right health club for your initial needs.  Be sure to choose a club based on your personal needs too.  Do your homework before you join to make sure it’s a good fit.  Ask yourself some of the following questions to help you make that final decision.  

  1.  Is staff supportive and customer friendly?
  2. Are new or certain types of equipment important to you?   
  3. Are group exercises important?  If so what kind?   
  4. Is the gym clean and/or do they have enough staff cleaning often enough? 
  5.  Is the equipment well maintained or off putting to you because of too many “out of order” signs? 
  6. Do they have an open policy for welcoming comments and suggestions? 
  7. Are they on the cutting edge or do they offer the same classes all the time?
  8. Is the atmosphere fun, eclectic and fresh enough to keep you motivated?

 The best solution is to find a place that works for you and that includes the health club atmosphere or any other place that suits your fancy. It may take time to get the right fit, but it is well worth the effort.


Dangers of Fast Weight Loss

Dangers of Fast Weight Loss

The vast majority of us that need to lose a little bit of weight would like to be able to lose it quickly. There are some dangers of fast weight loss, however, that need to be addressed whenever we decide to drop the pounds in this way. The unfortunate thing is, the temptation still exists and it is often prompted even further by those that are selling us the weight-loss products. Here are some of the dangers and why you should avoid losing weight quickly.

  1. First of all, fast weight loss often results in a rebound of weight gain. This is because we are not teaching ourselves healthy eating habits whenever we are losing weight quickly, and we are perhaps putting ourselves on a regime that is unsustainable.
  2. Fast weight loss also tends to take its toll on other parts of the body as well, such as the hair, skin and many of the internal organs. This could lead to further difficulties after the weight-loss has subsided.
  3. One of the other dangers of fast weight loss is that if you are losing a lot of weight, your skin may not be able to keep up with the weight-loss. This is often one of the biggest cosmetic issues with individuals who lose weight, and in many cases it is avoidable.
  4. Losing more than two pounds a week is generally not recommended and can be hazardous to your health unless you are under the direct guidance of a doctor.
  5. When you lose weight fast don’t be duped in thinking its all body fat.  On the contrary, you are losing precious muscle and other bodily fluids.  And trust me you do not want to lose muscle. It is what gobbles up the fat and keeps you going among other things.  TV shows like “Big Loser” give many a false sense of reality.

Although it does take a bit more patience, you can avoid the dangers of fast weight loss by eating a healthy diet which maintains a calorie deficit and getting a reasonable amount of exercise. Although it may not be as exciting as losing weight quickly, it is something that can stick with you for the rest of your life.

Na’vi Bodies – How BIG are you?

Na’vi Bodies – How BIG are you?

Is smaller better? Do you know what your body type is?  Are you pear shaped, apple, watermelon or maybe you are closer to the  Na’ Vi Body like the one in the movie Avatar?  They are a lot like human bodies right?  Similarly, they have two arms and legs, two ears, two eyes, one nose and one mouth, but they are a bit more slender in comparison to the human bodies, although they still are similar in their proportions. That, however, is where the obvious differences seem to end.

I thought it was interesting to note that the Na’vi anatomy includes a small tendril that protrudes from the back of the head and is covered by a ponytail. This tendril allows them to connect to the environment around them. Other differences between Na’vi bodies and human bodies include the color of their skin and the fact that the Na’vi are several feet taller than the average human which gives them an advantage, as far as their strength and speed is concerned.

That being said here’s my question and root observation.  How fit are you?  Some make this judgment on eyesight alone. The assumption is that if you are skinny or a person of average build you are healthy and fit and if you are fat or a person of larger frame size you are sick and unhealthy. Let me just say, it ain’t necessarily so Joe!  Furthermore no matter what shape or body type you are or even if you have tendrils flowing from the back of your neck and blue in color like the Na’vi, it is not a measure of your health or fitness level.  Far too often I have met with people who are of average size but unfit and unhealthy.

Here’s what matters.  Health!  Focus on health and functional fitness first, not how you look and everything else will fall into place.  AMEN!

Travel and Excercise

Travel and Excercise

What generally happens to our physical fitness program when we travel?  It all goes down hill right? Well it doesn’t have to be that way. All it takes is planning and a clear mind set of what you want to achieve.  So often people tell me when they go on vacation or away on a business trip, they not only didn’t workout, but they over ate on all the wrong foods.

Here are some rules of thumb to live by when traveling:

#1 Rule – Don’t stay anywhere that doesn’t have a gym.  These days that is pretty hard not to find.

#2 Rule – Plan your workout time just like you plan your meal times and pencil it into your day planner the same as you would if you were planning a business lunch.

#3 Rule – Reprioritize and rearrange your mindset on where exercise ranks in your life. Be sure to put it at the top.  It must be recognized as a necessary and automatic function – Just like waking up in the morning and brushing your teeth or looking for breakfast.

#4 Rule – If you are short on time do body weight exercises and/or whip out that exercise tube I so often talk about and get busy.

#5 Rule – Make smart dining choices.  Just because you are away from home there is still no excuse for eating bad.  Many places today have a small selection of healthy menus.  If they don’t, you have to mix, match and just ask for what you want.  I do it all the time and 95% of the time I get my way.

Traveling is stressful and exercise is the antidote – No doubt!  How are you handling the stress when traveling?  Are you creative or just playing it by ear?

Enhance your Relationship with Exercise

Enhance your Relationship with Exercise

Including health and fitness in your life and relationship has many benefits. To start with you must focus on self. If you have your life in order, everything else will fall into place. If you are healthy, you will feel good, look good and have lots of energy. All of that positive energy helps you to reach out to your partner and be more supportive to the people around you. It allows you to focus on the good things about your relationship that can help it to flourish.

Many times people with unfit and unhealthy bodies tend to have depressed attitudes. That radiates into negative energy. Disease, pain and a general loss of well being due to the body’s physiological changes can be the culprit.

A healthy body creates a clear mind. A clear mind helps you make wise decisions and with wise decisions you will make smarter choices. The increased energy you get from your workouts as well as healthy eating gives you a sustainable drive to reach your true potential. Also, as an added bonus it increases your sex drive. (For more tips see my website at www.wendyida.com)

Get Physical

Get Physical

You need at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic or cardio activity daily. Aerobic activity is defined as continuous movement for at least 20 minutes. Start out slowly and over time increase intensity and activity if you haven’t exercised in a while. Just remember to check with your doctor before starting any new fitness regimen.