by Wendy Ida | Feb 6, 2025 | Blog
Happy Black History Month and it’s also the Love Month – V-Day! February is the perfect month for some serious self-love!
I believe self love is a powerful way to honor Black History Month and the legacy of those who came before us. When you care for yourself and love yourself, you have the strength to carry forward their work and continue the fight for equality.
What’s the best way to care for yourself? Recommit to your health by reestablishing healthy habits.
Focus on setting new health goals and make a realistic plan to stick to them. Stay consistent with healthy habits, and push yourself to reinvent your approach to fitness. Maintain your energy with regular workouts. Keep challenging yourself to build the mindset and discipline that will make staying in shape a lasting part of your life.
Reestablishing good health is not just making the right decisions for your health. You also have to fight against the things that sabotage your health. The biggest saboteurs for your health are:
- Chronic Stress: When you’re stressed out all the time, your cortisol levels rise. Cortisol keeps your body in a constant “fight or flight” state. Too much cortisol leads to high blood pressure, a weak immune system, and anxiety and depression.
- A Sedentary Lifestyle: If you’re not moving enough, it affects your heart, muscles, and joints. Sitting too much puts you at risk for health issues like cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and obesity.
- Unhealthy Nutrition: Eating too many unhealthy and processed foods can cause inflammation, heart disease, and diabetes. It also negatively impacts your mental health, making it hard to feel your best.
- Toxic People: Being around people who drain your energy can leave you feeling stressed and emotionally exhausted. They make it harder to stay positive and focus on your own well-being.
- A Negative Attitude: Constantly focusing on the negative holds you back. A bad attitude lowers your confidence and makes it harder to make positive changes.
- Unrealistic Goals: Setting goals that are too big or unattainable can lead to frustration and quitting. Setting realistic goals keeps you motivated and on track for long-term success.
The best way to stop the sabotage is to start making healthy choices. Our health is so interconnected that every good choice supports you holistically.
When you start working out, you fight stress. When you fight stress, you let go of the negative attitude. When you let go of the negative attitude, you ditch toxic people who hold you back.
The best part about this is that recommitting to your health starts with a single healthy decision. With every small change, you make a big impact that ripples across your life. Stay committed to your health goals and you will create a healthier tomorrow!
Back by popular demand is my 30 day workouts for $49 originally valued at $99.
There is no better time to recommit to your health. ️

Sign up now! Sale ends February 28th:
With my program, you’ll:
- Jumpstart your weight loss journey
- Have an amazing & fun workout
- Reduce stress
- Build confidence
- Improve your health
Don’t miss out! This program is packed with workouts, guidance, and motivation to help you crush your fitness goals! This sale ends February 28th!
by Wendy Ida | Jan 8, 2025 | Blog
I don’t know about you, but I love the renewal energy of the New Year!
We got through the holidays, the hustle and bustle is over, and now we’re face to face with a clean slate. What are you going to do with it? I know what I use the New Year for – an opportunity to reestablish good mental, physical, and spiritual health, and to set goals for the year ahead!
What is 2025 going to look like for you?
It’s so easy to get sidetracked during the holidays and most people need a reset. If that’s you and you need to get back on track, start with these 10 tips!
- Acknowledge that setbacks happen, forgive yourself, and use those setbacks as a learning experience for next year’s holiday season.
- Write down your goals and keep them visible by putting them on your fridge or bathroom mirror.
- Reconnect to “Your Why” and the motivation that started your health journey.
- Clean out your kitchen of holiday treats and restock with fruits, vegetables, and healthy snacks.
- Keep a water bottle nearby throughout the day to stay hydrated.
- Get a full night’s sleep by choosing a realistic bed time that you can stick to every night.
- Work out on a regular schedule to rebuild consistency.
- Take a quick walk every day, even if it’s just around the block.
- Track your meals and workouts with an app or journal to stay focused.
- Identify your stress triggers and address them early with stress management strategies.
The biggest tip I have, however, is to focus on consistency rather than perfection. Be patient with yourself as you rebuild your routine and adopt even better habits for the new year. If you need a little motivation boost, I’m offering a huge discount for the New Year.
I strongly believe being in shape isn’t just about working out. You have to address the whole person if you want the longevity and resilience to live your fullest life–that’s what being fit, fierce, and fabulous really means.
Being fit is about taking control of yourself.
Being fierce is about being unafraid to unleash your greatness.
Being fabulous is making yourself a priority with self-care and healthy boundaries.
Whether you’re reactivating your 2024 goals or ready to kick off some new ones, you need the right mindset before anything else. You can read more about how to find your fit, fierce, and fabulous on page 14-15 in >>> Power Magazine’s Fall 2024 Issue <<<
So, as we turn the page on 2024, and open up the new page that is 2025, you’ve got to shake off the dust, embrace the clean slate of this new year, and give yourself a vision of the person you’ll become as you reach your goals.
Right now is the perfect time to reestablish your healthy habits.
If you need a little boost, I’m offering a discount on my 31-Day Take Back Your Fabulous Challenge!

For $49, you’ll receive a structured workout plan, nutrition advice, and mental strategies that will transform your life. Get started here.
YOU GET: 31 different workouts to keep for life!
It’s never too late to restart, just make a plan and get started!
“Each new year, we have before us a brand new book containing 365 blank pages. Let us fill them with all the forgotten things from last year – the words we forgot to say, the love we forgot to show, and the charity we forgot to offer.” – Peggy Toney Horton
by Wendy Ida | Dec 5, 2024 | Blog
Don’t mind me, I’m just rocking around the Christmas Tree for the holidays! I love this time of year–everything is so magical: the lights, the music, and the joyful atmosphere.
What makes the holidays so joyful for me is I have found healthy ways to balance my favorite holiday traditions with my healthy lifestyle. The holidays are full of temptations like sugary treats, indulgent foods, and alcohol that can easily knock you off track.
However, if you plan properly, you can easily transform those holidays into something that supports your health. For example, you can trade out unhealthy Christmas Cookies for healthy homemade spiced nuts.
Here are some other ideas I love:
- Plan a winter hike or nature walk to enjoy the season
- Start a gratitude jar to fill with notes of thanks throughout the month
- Try cooking a new, healthy holiday recipe with friends or family
- Host a virtual holiday talent show with friends or family
- Create a family or friend holiday tradition of giving back through charity work
- Begin a holiday family wellness challenge with steps for self-care and fitness
Use a little creativity, and you’ll find small tweaks that can really help you balance your goals with all the holiday fun.
Although I love the holidays, I know for some people, the holidays can be a really emotionally challenging time. They may bring painful memories from the past, especially when you are missing friends and family. They can also bring difficult interactions with family members who don’t always respect your boundaries. Further, they can be a really lonely time, where you feel isolated and cut off from the holiday joy.
In addition, the holidays can be some of the darkest times of the year–especially because the sun goes away, bringing seasonal affective disorder (SAD) that can further trigger anxiety and depression.
If you struggle with your mental health during the holidays, here’s some things that can help.
- Reach out to a loved one if you’re feeling overwhelmed by the holidays
- Set boundaries on holiday parties to avoid burnout and sleep loss
- Take a quiet moment to soak in the beauty of the Christmas season
- Remind yourself that it’s okay to not feel joyful all the time during the holidays
- If you’re grieving, acknowledge your loss and allow yourself to feel the emotions
Remember, your Christmas doesn’t have to look like everyone else’s—embrace your own traditions. And, if things get really difficult, reach out to a therapist or counselor.
Another thing I love about the holidays is that they give me time to recenter, reflect, and recharge my goals.
I urge you to do the same!
Remember, don’t set resolutions. Resolutions are hard to achieve. They are abstract and usually pretty unrealistic. That is why only 9% of people ever actually achieve them.
Set SMART goals instead. SMART goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. They are much easier to achieve than resolutions because they have a clear path to success.
Overall, being lovingly present is one of the best holiday gifts you can give to yourself and to others. Acknowledge how far you’ve come, and dream big about what 2025 has in store! That’s what I’m doing!
Looking for a truly meaningful Christmas gift that will last a lifetime?
Why not give the gift of healing with my book ”UNBREAK ME”!

Get it here —>
Written from my own experiences with abuse, self-doubt, and fear, I share the tools I have used to push through any challenge.
You or your loved one will learn:
- How to let go of your past traumas & make room for growth
- How to overcome anxiety, banish negativity, & live a life you’ve never dreamed.
Don’t wait—order your copy today and spark your journey to wellness!
“Even in the darkest moments, light exists if you have faith to see it.” – Dean Koontz
by Wendy Ida | Nov 2, 2024 | Blog
Happy November!
November is one of my favorite months because it’s the one we spend making a special place at our tables and in our hearts for one of my favorite things – gratitude! That said, this November is going to be a challenging one.
This November we’re looking at another presidential election – so what does that mean? That means we’ll be dealing with change, maybe some tensions, maybe the stress of a big time shake-up.
However, what’s really important is making sure you’re taking care of yourself.
While stress emotions are natural and normal, they shouldn’t be allowed to run amok in your body. If the election has you feeling some type of way, use this as a sign to invest BACK into yourself! Level up in your spiritual and mental health or growth.
I’m reflecting on this historical moment and the change that lies before America with this election. I feel hopeful and ready for the next chapter of history, but elections have a major impact on your life and health.
So it’s only natural to feel really stressed out right now.
In fact, a recent survey showed that over half of Americans have a high degree of election stress. Stress is very unhealthy for your physical body. Doctors consider stress the number one killer in the United States because it is a contributing factor to six of the leading causes of death, including:
- Heart disease
- Cancer
- Lung disease
- Suicide
- Cirrhosis of the Liver
- Accidents
There’s a lot at stake during elections, so tensions are very high. If you are feeling any election stress, here are some tips to help you manage and regroup during this time:
- Limit news and social media consumption to times when you have a lot of mental strength.
- Set clear boundaries for discussion about politics to avoid heated arguments.
- Focus on actions you can control, like volunteering for candidates, driving people to the polls, and VOTING!
- Eat stress-fighting foods and avoid stress-increasing foods.
- Get plenty of exercise to reduce cortisol (the stress hormone) and release endorphins (the happy hormones).
- Prioritize your self-care and take breaks when needed.
- Practice mindfulness with yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.
- Connect with like-minded people and share your struggles openly.
- Cultivate joy by getting involved with hobbies you love and spending time with friends and family.
If the election stress really starts to feel overwhelming, talk to a professional about your feelings to find strategies that work for you.
Remember, no matter what happens, change is inevitable, but even scary changes can create pathways and opportunities you never expected. Whether it is an election or any other type of change in the world, stress is part of the process of growth.
When I am faced with times of change and stress, I use it as a time to level up my spiritual growth. By facing my fears and leaning into my strength, I build resilience and cultivate an abundance mindset. I see the positive side to every circumstance, which helps me face each challenge with positivity.
Focusing on positivity is how you build a mindset of gratitude. November is also the perfect time to count your blessings with Thanksgiving.
During the holiday, stay present and you will see that even in the face of change, there is always something to be grateful for.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
“When life gives you a hundred reasons to break down and cry, show life that you have a million reasons to smile and laugh.”
by Wendy Ida | Oct 2, 2024 | Blog
As we step into October, a month dedicated to both domestic violence awareness and breast cancer awareness, I wanted to take a moment to talk about something very dear and close to my own heart.
These two issues have touched my life in ways I never could have imagined, and I know that I am not alone. So many other women out there—maybe even you—face struggles that can feel completely overwhelming and even crushing.
Breaking the Silence: Understanding Domestic Violence
As a domestic violence survivor myself, I can tell you firsthand that abuse isn’t always physical. It can show its ugly head as something more emotional, mental, financial, or even in the form of social control. It can creep in very slowly and strip away your confidence, self-respect, and freedom.
For me, it felt like it was sucking the life right out of me. It’s so important to recognize those early signs, especially young teenagers who may not recognize the face of domestic violence, and reach out for help when it is needed.
If you or someone you love is facing abuse, the National Domestic Violence Hotline is just one phone call away at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). Please don’t wait until it’s too late—it almost was for me.
Prioritizing Your Health: Breast Cancer Awareness
October also marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and for me, this is also deeply personal. My Aunt Marie lost her battle with breast cancer. (My mom and her sisters died early of other cancers). I still remember how women in my family were often too afraid to make those appointments and see their doctors (in part because of living in the Jim Crow days). It shattered my heart but also helped me realize the importance of early detection and regular checkups.
Many women like Angelina Jolie, Wanda Sykes, and Jane Fonda have been diagnosed with breast cancer and are thriving.
Today, with all the new technology and advancements we are blessed to have, we have a real shot at catching breast cancer early and saving more lives. But it really is on us to take those first steps.
Supporting Each Other: Strength Through Awareness
So, here I am asking you to commit yourself this month. Take care of your body, do those self-exams, and schedule those regular checkups. Your health is worth it.
This October, I also encourage you to pause and reflect. Whether it’s reaching out for help when it’s needed or finding ways to prioritize your health. Remember, there’s always support out there for you. You are so much stronger than you think, and you are never ever alone.
The best way to help victims is by speaking up and out. That’s why I always share my experience with domestic violence because I want people to know that yes, I was a victim, yes, I got out, and yes, you can too.
When we lift our voices together by spreading awareness about Domestic Violence and Breast Cancer we won’t just survive we will thrive!
“Good things come to those who believe, better things come to those who are patient and the best things come to those who don’t give up.”
by Wendy Ida | Sep 20, 2024 | Blog
When it comes to working out, people always ask me, “How do I get started?” One of the answers I’ve given is, “Take a walk.”
But, since my last swim video a lot of you had swim questions.
Here’s the deal. Swimming is the ideal workout if you have injuries or disabilities because the water’s buoyancy supports your body, easing the strain on your muscles and joints.
Swimming can also be an ideal exercise during rehabilitation and recovery from injuries or illnesses. As a low-impact exercise, it’s gentle on the joints, making it an effective option for regaining strength and mobility without risking further injury. It’s ideal for staying active and healthy as you age.
Dive in to experience a low-impact, high-reward workout!
Swimming is a power-packed workout that supports your cardiovascular and respiratory health while burning calories and building muscle fast! To maximize these benefits, the American Heart Association advises 2.5 hours of swimming or five 30-minute sessions every week.
How To Start A Swimming Routine
Getting started is always the most challenging part of building any new routine, but I know this is a change you’re going to think is worth every inch of effort!
First, like with any new exercise, it’s always a good idea to consult with your physician first.
If you’re looking to swim socially, joining a beginner’s water aerobics class is an excellent way to begin. Not only will you be placed with others who have the same skill level, but the group setting gives you automatic support and accountability. You’ll feel more inspired to keep it up when you know your friends are rooting you on at your next class!
For those who want to start out solo, it’s all about starting slow. Don’t overdo it and burn yourself out. Give yourself a goal of just a couple of laps at first and increase your swim time or distance by about 10% each week. This makes sure you’re progressing, but you’re not going too hard all at once!
Always warm up with gentle stretching and light swimming to prepare your muscles. Also, cool down afterward with slow, easy strokes and stretches to prevent stiffness.
If you need more confidence in your swimming skills, consider taking a few adult swimming lessons. You can also use supportive equipment like kickboards, pool noodles, or flotation belts to help you feel more secure and comfortable in the water. For the best results, swim at least two to three times a week.
Ready to wade into the waters? Watch now, and I’ll guide you through your first strokes!
“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.”
Mary Anne Radmacher
by Wendy Ida | Aug 23, 2024 | Blog
I’m having a pool party! Jump on in. The water’s fine!
You don’t have to just sweat it out in the gym to stay fit.
Instead, invest in your health by taking the plunge. You only need half an hour a day!
I highly recommend it to help reduce stress and release muscle tension.
I’m always looking for great ways to work out, and lately, I’ve been on a big swimming kick and thought I’d share because it’s so therapeutic.

Why Your Favorite Piece Of Workout Equipment Should Be The Pool
Swimming is a relaxing, full-body workout that gets big results. It strengthens your muscles, supports weight loss, and helps you stay in fabulous shape! By adding swimming to your fitness regimen, you can work toward your goals while enjoying a soothing exercise experience.
It doesn’t matter your age, your balance, your fitness level – anything – the bottom line is this – getting into the pool is one of the most effective things you can do for your mind, body, and spirit!
First and foremost – why swimming? First off, it’s a full body workout. You’re doing cardio, you’re working your muscles, and you’re using every single joint and muscle system in your entire body all at the same time.
Next, it’s low impact. So, not only are your working out your ENTIRE body, but you’re doing it without pain, discomfort, or risk of falling. You’re working harder as you move against the density of the water but you’re not putting the excess strain on your joints known to cause pain or falls.
It’s not just about the body, swimming is also GREAT for the mind and spirit. While you swim, you’re participating in a solo activity that requires focus on the breath in a very real way. In this way swimming is often referred to as a “moving meditation” exercise.
Not into the solo-swim? Looking for a way to connect and recharge your batteries with a fun social work out? Group water aerobics classes get you swimming, playing, and having fun to cater to that need for social release!
In the pool, in the ocean, it doesn’t matter – I love a good swim! If you’re looking for the workout anyone can love, and one that targets your ENTIRE self, jump in the pool and have some fun!
You might just grow to love it just like me!
Not sure how to get started? Contact me for a custom plan of action at:
“Self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery. You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life. Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence.”
by Wendy Ida | Jul 24, 2024 | Blog
Can you believe we’re already halfway through 2024!
I hope you are having some fun in the sun. The temperatures are starting to feel scorching hot, so stay safe and hydrated when you’re outside.
As you know, I take a holistic approach to health. I believe that you have to nurture every aspect of yourself to live your best life.
Take your skin’s health for instance.
Did you know that your skin is the largest organ in your entire body? YES!
But It’s more than just how you look; the health of your skin impacts how you feel from the inside out.
If you are a female, you might remember how the “first” big change (puberty) changed your skin, but what about the second big change of life?
Your skin goes through a transformation during menopause, too.
The changes you’ll see in your skin are largely led by a decrease in estrogen within the body. The result is skin that feels drier, loses elasticity, and is more prone to developing fine lines and wrinkles.
What most women do is go straight to the anti-aging aisle, but what they SHOULD be doing is learning how to support their skin through the change it’s experiencing.
That’s what I’ve done. I have my own personal regimen that’s been working for me for years and I absolutely love it.

I’ve had so many compliments from people on how well my skin looks in my 70’s and I have also received multiple requests asking me to do a video on how I take care of my skin. So I decided to oblige and share my routine.
My skincare regimen includes these basics and more. So I’m just sharing. Find what works for you!
Overall a supportive post-menopause skincare regimen should include the following basics:
- Gentle cleanser – Every great skincare routine should start with a great cleanser! For skin during and after menopause, this means focusing on gentle cleansing and hydration. You want clean skin, but you don’t want to strip it of natural moisture.
- Serum – Skin serums are packed densely with the nutrients your skin needs, and they’re formulated to melt right in where these ingredients will get to work. Within the first 5 years of menopause, skin can lose up to 30% of its natural collagen, so picking out a serum with collagen is a great way to stay skin supportive. Other ingredients to look for in your serum may include Vitamin C for brightening, Retinol to gently exfoliate, and peptides to stimulate elastin production.
- Moisturizer – Hydration is goal number one after menopause. This locks in your serum and ensures your skin won’t dry out through the day or night. Find a moisturizer with sunscreen for that added bit of UV protection!
When you look good, you feel good and you do better so nourish every aspect of your health.
DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel for more self help and workout videos.
“Self-control is strength. Calmness is mastery. You have to get to a point where your mood doesn’t shift based on the insignificant actions of someone else. Don’t allow others to control the direction of your life. Don’t allow your emotions to overpower your intelligence.”
by Wendy Ida | Jun 12, 2024 | Blog
You’ve heard the second half of life is the best part, a time when you can be yourself and have what you want, right? But, now that you’re here, you often find yourself wondering who you really are. You know there has to be more to life, but you have no idea what that is yet and you feel like you’ve lost your mojo anyway.
Sound familiar? If so, I have good news: with the right practices, and approach to life now, you can move out of midlife mayhem to find vitality and clarity and thrive in a life filled with purpose and meaning.
My friend Deb Johnstone specializes in helping beautiful women just like you to find clarity and purpose in midlife to design and live a life you love. She’s put together an interview series that brings together eleven women who specialize in this stage of life, including me, to share our advice for doing so.
It’s called Women Reinventing MidLife – How to find vitality, purpose and clarity to thrive in your next chapter and it begins June 24th.
Reserve your spot here at no cost:
Create a life you love now!
When you go to the link above and sign up to join us, you’ll hear Deb, a Transformational Coach and the founder of Women Reinventing MidLife, interview women coaches, mentors and specialists in middle life and beyond. In a series of empowering conversations we give you proven practices and insights for creating the fulfilling, meaningful and joyful life you want—because if you’re not going to do that now, when are you, right?
Specifically, you’ll discover:
- The unconscious patterns that have led you to experience midlife mayhem and confusion. How to breakthrough them to see clearly, find new purpose and meaning, and feel excited about your next life chapter.
- The powerful messages that your menopausal symptoms are actually giving you and how you can work with those to increase your vitality, thrive and live your best life yet through midlife and beyond
- Proven self worth practices and expert wealth building strategies plus profound insights to really value yourself and create the life experiences you want and deserve.
- The very best tools you already have, and how to leverage them, plus hormone education and breast health insights, senior care giver advice, career change and business start up guidance, declutter suggestions and lots more to fuel your mojo and achieve what you want in this second phase of life.
In short, you’ll discover time-tested and actionable practices you can implement right away to move out of this often confusing phase of life, to get a greater sense of who you are, what you want, and have the vitality, confidence and direction to create your next amazing chapter.
Join Us! I will open the summit with my interview starting June 24th!
Here’s to more clarity, vitality, and thriving in a life you love (without the confusion).
P.S. The interviews promise to be profound, filled with practical tools you can implement immediately! Register here with your complimentary ticket and join us starting 24th June:

Back by popular demand 31-day Workout Program
My 31-day workout is a reset for your mind, body, and soul. It will help you kick the bad habits and limiting beliefs holding you back and set healthy patterns for life. Remember, it only takes a month for good habits to stick!
It includes 31 days of total body workouts with strength training, core work, and party cardio.
This workout was structured with modifications to accommodate any level – beginners or advanced.
Go at your own pace
Available NOW for $99 (Reg price$249)
This special offer ends June 30, 2024
Act now to take advantage! Get started here:
by Wendy Ida | May 2, 2024 | Blog
When was the last time you gave yourself three cheers? A pat on the back? A good BIG hug? You should never be afraid to celebrate yourself – after all, you’ve earned it!
I do it all the time, but I am especially doing it this month because,
May is all about celebrating me, myself, and I…LOL!
Every birthday is another chance to get it right, to grow more, to find more joy, and to have more opportunities to share my gifts with others.
My birthday isn’t just a birthday, it’s a celebration of how far I’ve come and an opportunity to embrace the endless possibilities.
Although every birthday is a GIFT in itself, I like doing some gift giving myself on my special day.
So I’m going LIVE on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn – to do that.
This will be the fifth year in a row that I’ve celebrated my birthday LIVE with friends and fans. It started in 2020 (the year of COVID) when everybody was on lockdown and I was feeling sad and alone. It felt like I was in purgatory – jail – solitude!
The thought of my birthday coming up, one of my happiest times of the year, and not being able to go out and share it with anyone made me even more sad. So I said to myself, “SELF” you can’t go out like that. Then the idea came to me.
I put on my diva party dress and my 6 inch heels and had a party online and plenty of people showed up. I was sooo happy! And although things are back to normal, going live on my birthday has become a tradition.
Come hang out with me on 5/3 at 11 am PST (California) if you are able.
I’ve set some ambitious goals for my next year around the sun and I’m excited to share them with you.
I’ll share my journey of personal growth and how I’ve survived my most recent challenges.
I’ll offer tips to help you reshape, reinvent and transform your life, as well as answer some of your burning questions.
Transformation is always possible. You just have to decide to make a change.
I realize that change is difficult and mid-life transitions can be overwhelming but know that it’s NOT impossible to overcome. If you get support – just a little bit of help – before things become unbearable you will find success and even surpass your wildest dreams.
Speaking of success…
One of my most recent success stories is with Carla from Utah.
She had been overweight, and unhappy for years and didn’t believe any other way was possible until she met me. At which time she threw away her excuses and dove right in. At 59 she said, “I want to be the best 60 year old I can be and in great shape.”
With my help and her diligence, she is smiling from ear to ear today and so am I. She hasn’t been this size since high school.
Like I said, anything is possible if you:
- DECIDE to put yourself first.
- DECIDE to change history.
- DECIDE to focus and follow through.
When you determine what’s most important to you, you’ll make that a priority and the rest will be gravy!
I work with people from California to New York to Europe and more.
If you need support to improve your life contact me by scheduling a complimentary discovery consultation with me here!
“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”
Oprah Winfrey
by Wendy Ida | Apr 9, 2024 | Blog
You know, the other day, I was thinking about how blessed I feel. I was practicing mindfulness, letting my mind wander through the corridors of my past and present, and expressing my gratitude for the abundance of blessings in my life. I’ve had many hurdles and heartbreaks, but I’ve always had the strength to push through and make it out alive.
I’m grateful for both the victories and the hardships in my life. Both have led me to where I am now, and there is no place I’d rather be.
Feeling gratitude for my past, including the hardships I’ve faced, is a profound form of self-care for me. By recognizing these challenges and my victory in overcoming them, I discovered a deeper appreciation for my life and myself.
Gratitude encourages me to engage in activities I love, helping me relieve stress and enjoy my life. Whether I’m dancing with friends, unwinding in nature’s tranquility, or traveling to new countries, living my life to the fullest keeps me healthy and happy.
I also believe it is important to have a safe outlet to express yourself when life throws hardships your way. Since my teenage years, writing has been my sanctuary. It’s a safe haven where I could express my deepest fears and shed my tears without judgment. Through writing, I discovered the strength to get me through my darkest moments, and it also allows me to share my journey with you.
Today, as a bestselling author of four books, I’ve come to understand that sharing is indeed caring. By opening up about my experiences, I not only heal myself, but I also offer a guiding light to others to find their own path to healing.
My writing journey has been nothing short of amazing, and it’s my honor to announce that I’ve been invited to do another book signing event on April 23rd and 24th. I’ll be signing copies of my latest book Unbreak Me (et al.) at the Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo, CA from 11 am – 2 pm PST as part of their expo.
YOU MUST HAVE A MILITARY ID OR SPECIAL PASS to gain access to attend this special event.
I’m so excited to connect with you in person to share some laughs and stories.
I also wanted to share that I have added new t-shirts to my website. I have new t-shirt designs available to help get you motivated throughout your journey. Grab your Unbreakable and Take Back Your Fabulous shirts here.
A free gift will be waiting for all those who show up in one of my tees.
Are you living the life that you have dreamed for yourself? If not, why not?
See you there!
by Wendy Ida | Mar 21, 2024 | Blog
Can you believe it’s already March? Time sure flies when you’re working on your fabulous!
How are you doing?
Have you been staying on track with your New Year’s commitments or have you lost a little motivation?
Did you choose to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Maybe you wanted to learn a new skill or find time to focus more on self-care.

If you’re staying on track, keep doin’ what you’ve been doin’!
If you’ve lost motivation and you need a little boost, one of the things you can do is…go back in time and look at some incredible women throughout our history who have faced and overcome challenges.
March is the perfect time to do that because it’s National Women’s History Month. You can siphon up some inspiration from some incredibly brave women to help you stick to the healthy promises you made to yourself.
Here is one great example:
Brave Bessie Coleman was the first Black woman and first Indigenous American woman to hold a pilot’s license. Unfortunately, due to America’s policies of racial segregation and gender inequality, she had to go all the way to France to train.
Brave Bessie grew up poor in a segregated community in Texas. However, she dreamed of the skies. She worked picking cotton and doing laundry until she saved enough to attend college. Unfortunately, she couldn’t finish because she couldn’t afford the full tuition. So, she moved to Chicago and became a manicurist, but she would not give up her dreams of flying.
When her brothers returned from serving in WW1, they told her French women were allowed to earn a pilot’s license. That’s all she needed to hear. Brave Bessie immediately started taking French classes and working extra shifts to save up and train. Eventually, she did it! She not only went to France to earn her pilot’s license, she became a world-renowned stunt pilot!
Brave Bessie didn’t stop there. She encouraged women and Black Americans to reach their dreams, too. She taught flying lessons to help others reach the skies. Unfortunately, Brave Bessie passed doing what she loved in a plane crash, leaving a legacy of powerful inspiration and changing aviation forever.
Brave Bessie has shown that setbacks are not permanent. She teaches us that if you hold onto your goals and capitalize on every opportunity to make them happen, you can fly higher than you ever imagined.
Wow what!
Talk about never giving up!
I LOVE this woman AND her story!
Brave Bessie gives me an extra boost of inspiration to stay on track and to keep moving forward.
How about you, does this up your game?
Are you ready to be Brave? TRY!
Challenge yourself to embrace a new inner strength and celebrate each accomplishment as it comes – big or small. Every single one deserves some recognition and every step counts, because every choice you make brings you closer to your best self.
If you find that you keep falling back into the same old habits and what you’re doing is not working, I have a solution for you and I am happy to share it with you.
So many of my clients are smiling healthy and happy today, because of all the things I’ve shared with them.
I can also help you get back on track and STAY ON TRACK.
All you have to do is reach out and touch me.
This link will get you started!
Remember, age is just a number, and your potential really is limitless.
Here’s to the incredible person you are and the even more amazing person you are becoming!