Can you believe it’s already March? Time sure flies when you’re working on your fabulous!

How are you doing? 

Have you been staying on track with your New Year’s commitments or have you lost a little motivation? 

Did you choose to adopt a healthier lifestyle? Maybe you wanted to learn a new skill or find time to focus more on self-care.

If you’re staying on track, keep doin’ what you’ve been doin’! 

If you’ve lost motivation and you need a little boost, one of the things you can do is…go back in time and look at some incredible women throughout our history who have faced and overcome challenges. 

March is the perfect time to do that because it’s National Women’s History Month. You can siphon up some inspiration from some incredibly brave women to help you stick to the healthy promises you made to yourself. 

Here is one great example:

Brave Bessie Coleman was the first Black woman and first Indigenous American woman to hold a pilot’s license. Unfortunately, due to America’s policies of racial segregation and gender inequality, she had to go all the way to France to train.

Brave Bessie grew up poor in a segregated community in Texas. However, she dreamed of the skies. She worked picking cotton and doing laundry until she saved enough to attend college. Unfortunately, she couldn’t finish because she couldn’t afford the full tuition. So, she moved to Chicago and became a manicurist, but she would not give up her dreams of flying.

When her brothers returned from serving in WW1, they told her French women were allowed to earn a pilot’s license. That’s all she needed to hear. Brave Bessie immediately started taking French classes and working extra shifts to save up and train. Eventually, she did it! She not only went to France to earn her pilot’s license, she became a world-renowned stunt pilot! 

Brave Bessie didn’t stop there. She encouraged women and Black Americans to reach their dreams, too. She taught flying lessons to help others reach the skies. Unfortunately, Brave Bessie passed doing what she loved in a plane crash, leaving a legacy of powerful inspiration and changing aviation forever. 

Brave Bessie has shown that setbacks are not permanent. She teaches us that if you hold onto your goals and capitalize on every opportunity to make them happen, you can fly higher than you ever imagined. 

Wow what! 

Talk about never giving up! 

I LOVE this woman AND her story!

Brave Bessie gives me an extra boost of inspiration to stay on track and to keep moving forward. 

How about you, does this up your game?

Are you ready to be Brave? TRY!

Challenge yourself to embrace a new inner strength and celebrate each accomplishment as it comes –  big or small. Every single one deserves some recognition and every step counts, because every choice you make brings you closer to your best self.

If you find that you keep falling back into the same old habits and what you’re doing is not working, I have a solution for you and I am happy to share it with you.

So many of my clients are smiling healthy and happy today, because of all the things I’ve shared with them.

I can also help you get back on track and STAY ON TRACK.

All you have to do is reach out and touch me.

This link will get you started!

Remember, age is just a number, and your potential really is limitless. 

Here’s to the incredible person you are and the even more amazing person you are becoming!