More Raves…
Your fans are all over the world! 👍
THANK YOU for being my role model! I feel blessed to have found you. Kisses from Germany, Europe 😘
Thank you for accepting me as your friend on Facebook, it’s an honor!!!!
I am 42, about 80 pounds overweight and just started two months ago to change my life. And I discovered that I just LOVE strength training! But I thought it might be to late for me to really get into fitness at my age. But I found you, just by coincidence! This is amazing, because I live in Germany. So your fans are all over the world! 👍
I have purchased your book and I love all the motivation and tips you are giving.
THANK YOU for being my role model! I feel blessed to have found you.
Kisses from Germany, Europe 😘
~ Sophie Ingrid Mattscheck
Germany, Europe
Dear Wendy,
I am so impressed by YOU! You are huge and such an inspiration I wish my Mom was working with you, she would so need a Coach and a Role Model like you! We all need you I started to share your Video on my pages…
Blessings, Love and all the best to you!
Your Fan,
– Sylvia Ray Arden
I had the pleasure of seeing Wendy Ida speak in person. SHE is a WOMAN on FIRE! I had my photo taken with her and talked to her briefly, all the while I was blown away by her radiant youthful beauty. I stumbled on my sentences because I was so mesmerized by her energy, her story and her ageless appearance. If you ever have the opportunity to hear her speak, GO! She will rock your world!
– Dustina Alley, Tigard, Oregon
For those of us “over 40” Wendy tackles the real changes that are happening to our bodies and explains how to hit back! I found myself having “ah-ha” moments while reading her book. I loved it! She understood what I was going through and was able to give me the necessary tools to make positive changes and OWN my life again. Wendy is motivating and gets straight to the point! Every woman over 40 should read this book. Now that I have more of an understanding about myself and my body, the best is yet to come! Bring it! Thank you Wendy!
– Cindy Popp, Producer/Director,
CBS’s The Bold and The Beautiful
Wendy understands the issues facing people at midlife and we highly recommend her common sense approach to bolster a person’s self worth through nurturing healthier habits. On every page, you can “feel” her passion and belief that you can transform your health and your life … no matter what. Read her book, follow her advice and get ready to take back your life!”
– Jeanne Peters RD & Allen Peters MD
Co-founders of the Nourishing Wellness Medical Center
In Take Back Your Life, Wendy Ida has cracked the code about what it takes to regain and maintain a great state of health. Her comprehensive yet easy-to-understand explanations are empowering and results oriented. “Take Back Your Life” is a must read for anyone who wants to gain control of their most precious asset, their health!”
– Peter McCarthy, CEO AHI Productions, Inc.
Certified Traditional Naturopath
I am reminded of this scripture as it relates to you: Matthew 9:37-38 Then He said to His disciples,”The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.
“Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” In my heart I know that He chose you for this specific assignment. I am thankful that He connected Boomers Lifestyle Magazine to you. Our community needs to hear your story if they haven’t already.
– Tiecha Keiffer
Creative Director, Boomers Lifestyle Magazine, New Orleans, LA
“Hello Wendy! Thank you so much for accepting me! You are the most beautiful inspiration i’ve ever seen. Kisses from a young spanish fan! Keep it up baby!!!!
– Gloria Gandia Sempere,
Valencia, Spain
“My physician is so proud of my progress. I salute Wendy Ida as the world’s greatest trainer and teacher!!!” –
Ann Mosley, Client
“Thank you for your upbeat-ness and patience! It’s no exaggeration to say that you help to improve my quality of life.”
Mayumi Kodani, Client
“Wendy Ida is the ultimate professional…and is extremely knowledgeable. She’s a great role model for both men and women. When she is training, it’s about the workout and the results.”
Cindy Popp, Client
Producer/Director, NBC’s “The Bold and The Beautiful”
“I enjoy the hell out of Wendy! And I appreciate you working with my limitations.”
Dan Narikawa, Client
“I love and appreciate the difference you make Wendy! Joining your coaching program is one of the best decisions I eveIr made. My life is so much better now. I have literally come alive again! With your wonderful spirit and guidance my body is making changes I haven’t seen in a long time. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
Tanisha ~ Client & Fan
“Worked Out By An Angel.”
That’s how I describe Wendy Ida to my friends.
For the last twenty years I have fought a battle with arthritis, lower back pain, bad knees and, most recently, I was in a car accident. After the accident I believed all I could do was manage the pain and atrophy of my muscles… and then I met my Angel.
Wendy showed me that I could, can and will get stronger. She rekindled the desire to have fun by working out intelligently and making progress in stages. The workouts are challenging enough that I feel successful every time. Her attitude is wonderful and she always has a smile and an encouraging word to say.
Most importantly, she made me feel like she cared about my progress and that my goal when I met her was too low and that I could do much more – and she was right!
Thank you Wendy
Vincent D.
“You are one of my fitness inspirations! You’re making women of all ages step their game up. Congrats!”
– Kassandra
Before And After Success Stories
Thank you Wendy for the impact you’ve had on my life.

After just two weeks of being on Wendy’s program I couldn’t believe the difference in my energy level and in my digestion. Having more energy, better digestion, losing 40 lbs. and now having the know how to get back on the horse if I fall off is a wonderful gift to myself. Without your help, I’d still be “pleasantly plump”.
– Carol Dorey Trickett, Ontario, Canada – Financial Consultant
It’s made a world of difference for me!

Wendy is not only very knowledgeable in her craft; she’s also very motivating, and fun to work with.
“When I found Wendy I was not only overweight, but also recovering from a broken femur.
I’ve lost 45 lbs and my leg went from having very little muscle strength to being able to handle the rigorous sport of skiing. My orthopedist told me it would take two full years to get all my muscle strength back.
Working with Wendy has made a huge difference! I’m about 6 months ahead of schedule!“
– Lynn Sasai, Retired, UCLA Administrator
I absolutely adore you…

“Wendy, I absolutely adore you and look forward to working with you again when the time is right. You’ve set the foundation for the rest of my life! And these other trainers can’t hold a candle to you.
“Wendy is absolutely one of the most dynamic, insightful, and as you most likely already know, beautiful women I have ever had the privilege of meeting!
She’ll teach you to care for your body beginning with the way you think.
-JJ, Former Client

“Wendy Ida is truly a Goddess among mortals!”
This woman is someone divinely appointed and perfectly equipped to deliver her many gifts.
“For those of you who have yet to experience what Wendy has to offer hold tight and get excited for your opportunity!
So how did I find Wendy? Near my 40th birthday I began feeling less than excited about my life. As one of those A++ personality types I was drained from imbalances I’d allowed by overexerting myself professionally and personally. I needed a boost and started searching. Somehow, I stumbled onto Wendy’s book, “Take Back Your Life”. I read it end-to-end and immediately reached out to schedule our first consult. From call one I knew I was on to something extraordinary. Still, my intent was to attend a few 1:1s, learn some exercises, and continue on my own.
A year and a half later I’ve only just moved on from consistent 3x weekly 1:1 sessions, kept Wendy on speed dial, and I’m now strutting across stages with the fittest of the fit in bedazzled bikinis winning first place trophies at muscle contests. Not bad for a new hobby ;-)… In all I’ve enjoyed exponential growth in all areas of wellness; my confidence is through the roof, and I’ve learned to cultivate an inexhaustible source of power. You can too if you trust Wendy with you!!
Since completing my first round of training with Wendy I’ve spent more than a bit of time trying to nail down exactly what she did to bring me away from that funk I was heading for. Was it something specific she said? An exercise she taught that somehow unblocked a clogged channel inside? Was it the motivation she imparted when I realized this 60+-year-old beauty could out do me in any squat, burpee, press, lift or other routine she created for me? YES, YES, YES, and then some…
During our training I was also being mentored emotionally and challenged to mature as a woman, mother, and wife. WHAT?! When did she sneak that in? I recall countless instances where Wendy helped me identify and conquer perceived challenges to my physical/muscle development…challenges that truthfully had little or nothing to do with my physicality.
Her approach to fitness/coaching is a comprehensive one. Though you may connect with a specific goal in mind, Wendy can tailor your program to include everything necessary for continued success. You just need to trust her, be honest, and follow her instructions impeccably. Trust her wealth of experiences as a wellness consultant; nutritionist, fitness champion, Guinness World Record Holder, motivational speaker, actress, world traveler, and model (to name a few). These achievements provide her sensibilities and insight few in her field can offer.
SHE’LL TEACH YOU TO CARE FOR YOUR BODY BEGINNING WITH THE WAY YOU THINK. –> She will also provide you a sustainable foundation of knowledge and confidence to support and encourage continued growth when you’re ready to move on.
Folks, this woman is a Goddess among mortals. I am so thankful to have invited her into my life.”
As founder and VP of Talent Acquisition for ImagineIT INC, I interact with hundreds of people yearly from around the planet. My position provides me a unique perspective into people types, what motivates them and even more importantly…what they have to contribute to our world and…Wendy Ida is someone divinely appointed and perfectly equipped to deliver her many gifts.