Hope you had an amazing Easter and are looking forward to the beautiful months ahead.
Lately, I’ve been asked a question that seems to reoccur over and over again for many years now.
“Wendy how did you do it? How did you transition from your life as a victim of domestic violence and losing 80lbs to winning awards, writing bestseller books and being so inspirational?”
My response is this: The day I made the decision to push through my fears and start believing in myself and believing that the process of achieving health & getting my life back could work for me…it did.
It doesn’t matter what your problems are or how long you’ve held on to them you can be free of them today. You have to let the resentment go, let the fear go and stop being angry with what happened to you in the past. Forgive yourself and others so you can be set free. TODAY you can experience miracles if you set the intention and make the decision that (come hell or high water) you will be stronger, healthier, wealthier or have more satisfying relationships. Once you decide things will magically align and be in divine order.
It works for me every time.
This process can be challenging but nevertheless achievable. If I can assist you in how to break down this process so it works optimally for you please do not hesitate to contact me by email at: info@wendyida.com
I’m looking forward to the month of May because it’s my birthday which feels like Christmas for me!
Sparks fly with online parties, LIVE presentations (May 23rd- Register below)
AND my private coaching specials plus other products – 30% off all month long!
So look out for all of it on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, see my website at wendyida.com under the tab “work with Wendy” or just send me an email and ask me about my birthday specials.
Hot dog! So nothing is stopping you now! Let’s party!!!
I am impressed