Have You Checked Your Temperature?

Have You Checked Your Temperature?


I have a question for you…

When you think of wellness, when you think about health – what do you think about? Probably feeling good, right? When you’re well, you really FEEL it! It’s my favorite feeling, just knowing that I’m doing the very best for myself – I mean all of me!

Wellness is not just about your physical health. When wellness became a fad word, it lost a lot of meaning. We’ve got to get back to the real essence of it.

True wellness is balancing the health of every area of your life – because every area of your life is affected by your health. 

In every sense of the word WELLNESS is multi-dimensional.  Yes, it includes your physical body, but it also includes your mental health, your emotional health, spiritual health, environmental health, social health, and even your financial health. Your happiness and health in each of these different parts of your life is interconnected and dependent on each other.

My personal success started with physical health and then mental and emotional. Then I was able to check the wellness temperature in every other area of my life. 

Have you checked your temperature lately?

When you strike that balance, take it from me, you open up a WHOLE world when it comes to what wellness in every area of your life can really mean! 

For folks over 50, maintaining wellness takes a bit more proactive action. High blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, arthritis, osteoporosis, and mental health conditions can come creeping up when you reach a certain age, so you might have some new concerns you didn’t have a few years ago and if you already had some of those concerns, then it can become even more serious with age. As a result, you’re quality of life can suffer.

Have check-in sessions with yourself and your medical team, get in touch with how you REALLY feel, and don’t wait for any new wellness concerns (in any facet of your life) to come knocking on your door first! 

Then you can clearly check your thermometer on every other part of your life. How well are you emotionally or financially, how well are you socially – with your family, with your friends, with your associates? How well are you spiritually? All of these things are interconnected with your physical health, and have to be considered as a part of your wellness plan. 

So I ask you again…

Have you checked your wellness temperature lately – in every area of your life? 

If you are not sure, or having a tough time, getting to where you want to be in life, OR… you keep revisiting the same problems.

  • If you are way off track and have been for years.
  • If you’re finding out what you’re doing is not working.
  • If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Don’t waste anymore time. Contact me NOW info@wendyida.com and I’ll help you get on track fast with a customized plan of action that will help you finally reach your goals.

In the meantime,…while you’re having fun in the sun, take it easy on yourself, give yourself mental health checks, and schedule some time for gratitude and personal “Me Time” to keep your mental wellness high when times feel tough. 

Make sure you’re wearing sun protection, keep yourself hydrated, and don’t push yourself too far when the days heat up. 

Keep in mind, wellness in every dimension of your life in balance is the key to feeling the complete scale of your full potential!


“Don’t let getting lonely make you reconnect with toxic people. You shouldn’t drink poison just because you’re thirsty.” – Dr. George C Fraser

Follow Your Heart

Follow Your Heart

Happy June!

Summer is finally here! I’m already having a blast hitting the pool, working out at the park, and meeting up with my besties to chat over some healthy summer dishes. I hope you’re having some fun in the sun too!

I wanted to take a minute to have a quick heart-to-heart talk. With the rising summer temps, it’s important to monitor your heart. The risk of heart attack increases as the temperature does. 

Let’s just get to the heart of the matter: 18.2 million Americans have heart disease, and heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in the States.

However, did you know that 80% of heart disease cases are preventable?  

To help you avoid becoming a statistic here are my heart health tips to keep your heart feeling great all summer long: 

  1. Kick saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugars to the curb
  2. Get up and get moving every single day
  3. Find fun and healthy ways to deal with stress
  4. Cut out any bad habits like smoking or drinking
  5. Don’t neglect your annual physicals (semi-annual if you’re over 65) 
  6. Monitor your blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar
  7. When your intuition speaks to you – LISTEN! 

If you stay proactive with your health, you can avoid major crises. Remember, it’s NEVER TOO LATE to start a healthy routine no matter what age, where you live, or what shape you’re in.

Follow Your HeartMy dear client Bonnie is a good example. She was bedridden for five years due to morbid obesity. Rather than give up, we started training right there in her bed.

It was a tough road ahead, but I knew I could help her accomplish her weight loss goals and make her life better. I’ve never been afraid of a challenge. At one point I called my incredible fireman friend Reggie Lester. He gathered all of his firemen and EMT buddies to help me build a new bed so I could continue to safely train her. And guess what?

The plan worked! Shortly after, we got her out of her bed and cut her out of that house for good! She’s back on the right track and showing people that it really is NEVER TOO LATE

Thing is…Everyone thought it was too late for Bonnie (Bonnie thought that too), but I knew better. No matter what your circumstances, I will keep working with you to get a healthy fresh start for your heart. All of my coaching programs were designed with your health in mind. 

I help my clients tackle stress so they aren’t putting extra pressure on their heart. I can show you heart-healthy workouts that are ideal for beginners and pros. I also share coaching tips to help you make smarter decisions for your diet and your heart. 

My ultimate goal is to help you take back your fabulous! Learn more about how you can work with me to bolster your heart health.

Have fun in the sun!


“Don’t let anybody rain on your parade!” – Wendy Ida

Shhhh… I’ve Got A Secret!!

Shhhh… I’ve Got A Secret!!

Did you hear the news? Just wanted to tell you that there are three great things happening in the month of May.

The first one is…it’s MY BIRTHDAY! Whoohoo! And as always I’m kickin up some fun!

Wanna celebrate with me?

Well…I’m hosting my BIRTHDAY PARTY “LIVE” on May 3rd at 12:30 pm PST on LinkedIn, YouTube and Facebook (live recording will be on Instagram later on) and YOU are invited. I’ll be talking about how to support your mental health and living life like it’s golden. If there’s time I’ll also take some questions!

So as usual I am going to “party hearty” on my birthday and I’d love to see you!

The second thing is…I will also be appearing on DAILY BLAST LIVE TV on May 3rd (To see it check your local listings). They intentionally wanted to do the interview on my birthday. I thought that was so cool.

The third thing is…May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

This Broke My Heart…Have you done a SELF CHECK on your MENTAL HEALTH lately? It’s imperative that you do. Get rid of the idea that it’s shameful. It’s SMART! Taking time out for YOU isn’t a luxury – it’s a PRIORITY!

You gotta CHECK yourself before you WRECK yourself even when you think you’re okay. Be PROACTIVE & get tune-ups on your mental and emotional health just like you would on your physical health.

How to get started:

— Take a walk to rev up your circulation and clear your mind
— Talk to somebody about that devil on your shoulder that keeps nudging you the wrong way
— Reach out to me for a coaching/training session so you can elevate your physical health as well as your mental health.

Listen, I understand that it may be difficult to reach out but understand that working through things with someone can bring forth many wonderful gifts and healthy perspectives.

I’m here to remind you that you don’t have to go through life’s challenges alone trying to figure out things on your own. You can always schedule a free 30-minute discovery consultation with me to see how coaching together can make your life better. https://bit.ly/3HiS8Fn 

Also, you can learn more about protecting your mental health, and how to be resilient and find strength in my latest book UNBREAK ME. https://amzn.to/40KrCvm

Oh, I also wanted to tell you this:

Shhhh it’s a secret…

LOOK OUT FOR SOMETHING SPECIAL ON MAY 8th – there will be a 48 hour flash sale. I will gift you with $100 off and You’ll get 31 days of working out with me. That’s literally $6 per workout!


“Warriors don’t quit. They refuel, refocus & dive forward.” – Wendy Ida

This Broke My Heart…

This Broke My Heart…

I hope you’re well because a lot of people are still stressing out these days and since this month, (April) is Stress Awareness Month I’ve got lots to tell you.

Did you know that stress doesn’t just make you feel bad, it can actually damage your body? 

Did you also know that in 2022, 84% of Americans felt stressed at least once per week? That means if you gathered 100 people in a room, 84 of them would be experiencing considerable stress.  Whoaa! That’s TOO MUCH! 

Oh it’s real! I’ve had some tough times and I know you have too.  

A man contacted me recently about his experience with stress and it broke my heart. 

He said…

“I’m an ex husband who suffered mental and emotional domestic violence, and I couldn’t talk about 30 years of bullying by my ex wife due to the stigma that men can’t be bullied. Unfortunately, my daughter became a bully too.

Police had to finally step in as I went to 20 stones (280 lbs), nearly died twice in the last three years with multiple different conditions caused by stress and anxiety…. sadly, but gladly I’m happier I lost 7 stones (98 lbs) during my hospital stay last year, as heart failure causes an accumulation of water throughout the body. Now I’m on the road back to what I love to do.  I used to be a good health club sales and marketing membership manager and now I’ve finally found the confidence to reclaim what was stolen from me. So l’m keeping your video as inspiration for me to fight strong now and I’II show you my progress by end of year, I’m very inspired by your story as it resonates with me on a very deep level.”

This Broke My Heart…Stress affects EVERY single system of the body – your nerves, your muscles, your hormones, even how your body digests and processes food! 

Stress can:

  • Weaken your immune system
  • Increase your risk for cardiovascular issues
  • Cause digestive problems
  • Lead to headaches and migraines
  • Trigger sleep disturbances
  • Make skin problems worse 
  • Create musculoskeletal problems
  • Increase anxiety and depression
  • Cause libido changes
  • Bring on fatigue & loss of motivation

Occasional stresses are pretty inevitable – maybe you’re stuck in traffic one day, maybe you’re afraid you’ll be late for a flight, maybe your refrigerator is on the fritz and you don’t want it to break before you get a new one! Little everyday stresses happen, but the secret is fighting these stresses before they turn into a chronic situation.

The longer you experience stress, the higher your risk becomes for these issues. 


So how are you going to beat back stress? 

Start by making yourself and your needs a priority. Set healthy boundaries. Say no! Give yourself permission to rest. Connect with your friends and family to share in joy. Take time for yourself and indulge in the things you love.

According to Harvard Medical School, one of the most POWERFUL tools you have to combat stress (and its effects on your body) is exercise. 

Just say NO to STRESS and YES to YOURSELF! 

  1. Do a self search and ask yourself: 
  2. Have I been consistent with my workouts? 
  3. How am I doing with my nutrition? 
  4. Am I finishing what I start? 
  5. Do I even know what to do at this point? 

If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to contact me. My door is always open.  I am happy to keep you motivated and accountable to living your best and healthiest life with my one on one private lifestyle coaching and fitness training.  It doesn’t matter where you live. Whether in the US or another country I’ll be with you every step of the way, showing you exactly what to do so you can achieve the success and happiness you deserve.

Talk to me here!


Launch Your Healthy Life Now

My 21-day workout is the perfect way to kick off a new Spring workout routine and beat back your stress. With this fun and fabulous progressive workout, you’ll start transforming your body and mind in just 20 minutes a day!

I added 10 extra days to really launch your new healthy lifestyle!  So you’ll get 31 days of coaching with me to help get you on track to living your best life. 

For just $9 a day, you’ll get fitness and nutrition tips, personal coaching, and stress-busting ideas to start living the life you deserve!

Sign up here to change your life!

You’ll be more confident, healthy, and energetic when you’re done.


“Living your truth means…Having the courage to be YOU.” – Wendy Ida

New Year Commitment Check In

New Year Commitment Check In

OMG! Can you believe it’s already March?! It seems like it was just New Years! 

How are the promises you made to yourself in the beginning of the new year going by the way? 

New Year Commitment Check InI’m just checking in because I know It can be easy to let things slide as our lives get busier and our schedules get full.

This month – Women’s History month can be a stark reminder. So check in with yourself and revisit your goals and commitments because when it comes to self-care, motivation, and focusing on ourselves, it’s important to MAKE the time to honor the promises you made to yourself. If you need a reset call or email me to let me know and I’ll get right on it.

Women’s History Month is all about celebrating the trailblazing women who came before us. It is a powerful time to show gratitude for those who have cleared the path, and to honor them by starting our OWN journeys. 

I am reminded of some incredible women who have broken boundaries and led us to walk a different trail. 

Women are strong like Tamara Walcott who broke World records when she successfully completed a 639-pound deadlift. 

Women are smart like Shannon Miller who not only has 7 Olympic gold medals, but she’s also an attorney. 

Women persevere against all odds like Junko Tabei, the first woman to summit Mount Everest.

These amazing women have shown us that we can ditch the unrealistic (and harmful) societal expectations of us and LIVE THE LIFE WE DESERVE! 

As Mindy Kaling brilliantly said: “If you don’t see a clear path for what you want, sometimes you have to make it yourself.”

Don’t be afraid to lead the way. YOU are also strong, smart, resilient–and fabulous just like these pioneering women. But if you want to blaze your own trail:

  • Define your fitness goals
  • Ease into a workout program
  • Start small, build consistency then intensity
  • Have someone you can be accountable to like a fitness coach
  • Don’t give up if you miss a workout

Remember that it not only takes work, but it means keeping your integrity. That means keeping the promises you make to yourself. Quite simply, do what you say your going to do no matter what. 😊


My 21-day workout program was designed so you could take the first steps on your journey to fabulousness. In just a month, you’ll start to empower your body, mind, and soul. You’ll feel better, have more energy, and be motivated to finally step into your power.

As my gift to you, I’m adding ten bonus coaching days. You’ll have 31 days of fitness, nutrition, and positivity to transform your life – For just $9 a day!

You don’t have to walk the beaten path. You can be like these incredible women and find your way to fabulousness. I can show you the way.  

Sign up here for my 21-day workout challenge.


Share the gift of life with those who matter most to you.” – Wendy Ida

Don’t Let Life Pass You By

Don’t Let Life Pass You By

I am so excited for all the new and exciting things I have planned for this year – advanced swimming activities, exotic travels, learning new languages is all a part of my plan.  While a proactive healthy lifestyle is always at the top of my priority list, having fun, setting new goals and milestones gives me a purposeful and rich quality of life.

Our life is a gift and the best way to honor that gift is to care for our minds, bodies, and souls.

I’m taking care of all three during Black History month by finding inspiration from the stunning Black women at the forefront of physical fitness. These brilliant athletic Black women have paved the way for me and others to help you get back your fabulous.

Alice Coachman for example was the first Black woman to ever win an Olympic gold medal. Representing the United States, she won the gold in the High Jump at the London Olympics in 1948.

Following Alice was Wilma Rudolph, the fastest woman in the world who won three gold medals in 1960 following a bronze medal in 1956 in track. Whoaaa…pretty good for a woman who was told by doctors she may never walk again as a child.

It wasn’t long after that greats like Jackie Joyner-Kersee set world records for the heptathlon and high jump, and won three gold, one silver, and two bronze Olympic medals in a matter of a few years. 

It’s clear that Jackie paved the way for the incredibly talented athletes that we see today like Allyson Felix, Simon Biles, and Sha’Carri Richardson. As we’ve seen with athletes like Serena Williams, there is still so much left to do.

These are just some of the incredibly talented athletic pioneers who paved the way for others we see today like Allyson Felix, Simon Biles, and Sha’Carri Richardson and Venus and Serena Williams.

Feeling inspired by these fitness legends? I know I am!

They are great examples of how far we can push the human body and also excel in our own fitness regimens. You can read more about them here

But check this out. There is no reason why you have to be restricted to sitting on the sidelines in awe of these athletes.  You can blaze a path of your own. You can be an example for yourself.  Start small and grow big!


My 21-day workout program is perfect for taking the first steps toward taking care of your gift of life.  It’ll get you started and keep you going whether you are just beginning or advanced. Your health, your body and your energy will improve! 

For only $9 a day I’m also giving you nutrition tips and 10 free bonus gifts. That means you get more than 31 training and coaching days with me.

Don’t live with regret. Get down and dirty. We are all living our own personal life shows and the way to make it count is to resist the sidelines, stop watching life pass you by AND  become an active participant! 

Stick with me and you’ll have fun doing it. 

Let’s go! You got this! 

Sign up here…for my 21-day workout Challenge! https://wendyida.com/21-day-workout-program/


Share the gift of life with those who matter most to you.” – Wendy Ida

Happy New Year – 1st Thing You Should Do

Happy New Year – 1st Thing You Should Do

Can we get a round of applause for making it through another year? Know that you are destined to be more fabulous than ever!!! But…faith without works is dead so there’s no time to rest!

The first thing you want to do in 2023 is…STEP OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE and fully commit to putting your HEALTH first. Yes, it’s time! Understand that without it you have NOTHING and nothing else matters. 

So are you ready to turn it up and make this year the best EVER? 

To help you make that happen, I’ve created a Brand NEW online 21 day fun workout program.  

This program includes…

  • 21-day fun progressive workout with moves that include cardio and weight training.


  • 5 videos on how to start working out and basic safety training
  • 5 circuit training beach workouts.
  • 30 Nutrition Tips

31 days total coaching and training


~ The Promise ~

It’ll RESTORE YOUR ENERGY, BURN BODY FAT, FUEL YOUR CONFIDENCE, get you Fit, Fierce & Fabulous and you’ll have so much FUN!

Wendy Ida Workout

This Pre-launch New Year special is available for $97  

Only until Jan 20th.

On Jan 20th it returns to the regular price of $297

For more information or to join in on the fun → CLICK THIS LINK 

and you can get started immediately. 

Dig DEEP, Dream BIG, push HARD and you’ll achieve more than you ever thought possible.


“Time is one of our most valuable gifts. (Don’t waste it) Live every minute of every day intentionally.”

– Wendy Ida

Season’s Greetings To You!

Season’s Greetings To You!

Ho Ho Ho & Season’s Greetings to you!

I’m wishing you and yours the healthiest of holidays and a fabulous New Year!

Do you know why Santa goes down the chimney? It soots him. I could never do it, I’m too Claus-trophobic. (Lol…just a little something to make you smile 😊) 

That’s what I’ll be doing through the end of this year and into the next because I’m always so grateful to witness great endings and beautiful beginnings.

While the holiday hustle and bustle can exhaust and depress us at times (weight gain, work, gifting and lost loved ones) a smile can break out into infectious laughter and change your whole outlook.

Knowing how to take care of yourself and stay on track with your goals, while still enjoying all the holiday cheer can help too. 

Here are 10 simple ways to enjoy all the holidays have to offer without getting off track from your fitness goals. 

  1. Stay active by scheduling holiday physical fun like ice skating, skiing, or joining a Santa walk/run.
  2. Make a list of your favorite holiday treats like eggnog or gingerbread and limit yourself to indulging only in those treats.
  3. Bake healthier holiday foods with some simple ingredient swaps (I love this list).
  4. Eat a healthy meal before you head to the holiday party to prevent overindulgence in treats.
  5. Never drink on an empty stomach because this can increase your appetite.
  6. Bring a healthy option to any holiday potlucks. 
  7. Manage holiday stress with mindfulness and exercise to prevent emotional eating.
  8. Enjoy a mint or a piece of gum after you eat, it gives a sense of completion which helps you avoid overeating.
  9. If you are gifted holiday treats instead of feeling obligated to eat them, donate them to a food pantry. 
  10. It’s all about cultivating the right mindset. If you feel like you are restricted during the holidays, you are more likely to overindulge. However, if you allow yourself whatever you want but you conscientiously choose healthy options, you will thrive. 

It’s all about confronting negative mindsets, building resilience, and choosing happiness for yourself.

I’m hoping you’ll have an amazing holiday and don’t worry if you slip up here or there. We’ll just pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get back to taking back our fabulousness!

Sending all my love to you and your family this holiday season.


If you have already gotten my book

Unbreak Me


I’m very proud of this book and it means a lot that I have been able to share my experiences and wisdom with you.

 If “UnBreak Me” helped you or gave you an “a-ha” moment, it would mean the world to me if you could share your experience by leaving an Amazon review. The more reviews I have, the more people I can help.

Please use this Amazon link to leave a review —>> https://amzn.to/3EIJ1Nu


“When encountering unexpected changes in life, don’t resist. Find the lessons instead.”

– Wendy Ida

I’m So Thankful. How Bout’ You?

I’m So Thankful. How Bout’ You?

Are you ready to do the turkey trot? Ohhh I am sooo ready! I am counting my blessings right now. Although I count them all year round,Thanksgiving is a time to share it with others. It’s also a time to reflect and express gratitude for our health, abundance and so much more.

At my Thanksgiving dinner table, my family traditionally starts our meal by going around the table and sharing what we are most thankful for in our lives. One of the top things I’ll be sharing is the fact that we are once again reunited and able to break bread at the same table after three years of discombobulation, confusion and deaths.

I’m thankful to have such an incredible support network of friends and family that empower me to live my most authentic self. I don’t know who or where I’d be without them.

I’m thankful to feel fit, fabulous, and full of life. I never could have imagined that I’d be in my prime at 70 years old!

I’m thankful that I have connected with so many beautiful people through my work. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to express how much gratitude I have for you.

I’m thankful that this year I was able to finish my fourth book “Unbreak Me,” where I share my life-changing methods to build resilience, overcome depression and anxiety, and find happiness. I thank YOU for your support and I’m so proud that it quickly became an international bestseller.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? 

Sharing thanks and gratitude can make life as sweet as pumpkin pie. My favorite!

Speaking of pumpkin pie, I know we’re all a little stressed about holiday eating. We’ve worked so hard, we don’t want to lose our progress. Don’t worry fam, I got you. Here are some conscious eating tips I use at my Thanksgiving table:

  • Sign up for a Turkey Trot. Adding extra physical activity will counteract any overeating.
  • Pitch in with the cooking. If you’re cooking you can cut back on unhealthy ingredients like sugar and fat.
  • Eat a healthy meal before. Eating beforehand will prevent piling up your plate because you’re too hungry.
  • Only pick your favorites. Sticking to your favorite dishes helps you reduce how much you eat without giving up what you love most about the Thanksgiving meal. 
  • Savor every tasty bite. Eating slowly will ensure you enjoy the food more and prevent overeating.

You got this! If I can do it, so can you!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Unbreak MeIf you haven’t had a chance to read it yet, the holidays are a really good time to read, learn and share some tools. 

Many times, we overeat because of a complicated relationship with our food.

Unbreak Me” gets to the underlying root of what causes these negative behaviors and feelings of loss of control.

On Amazon now in paperback, kindle and audio.



“When you feel good, you open the door for positive energy to reach you.”

Stay Tuned For Something Special

Stay Tuned For Something Special

I’m so excited to share this big announcement! 

My book “Unbreak Me” has finally hit the shelves in October!!!!! 

WAIT! Before you run to grab your copy, I have a gift for you.

Since you are my ride-or-die and have been here from the beginning, I wanted to do something extra special for you to say thank you for all your amazing support!

On November 8, 9, and 10 – 3 DAYS ONLY, I’m offering you a copy of “Unbreak Me” and 7 bonus gifts for just $3.99 kindle and $14.99 for paperback. Also available on audio. (Psst…It’s basically like getting my book for free.)

How do you snag yours? 

I’ll be providing a special link to my followers to take advantage of this deal on Nov 8, 9, and 10 through a follow-up newsletter and on my Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

On a side note, I want to get real with you for a second. My book “Unbreak Me” may be the work I am most proud of in my life. Many of the lessons I share in this book I’ve learned the hard way. However, through it all though, I’ve had an incredible support system that helped me grow into the person I love today. 

I’m sharing these lessons because I want you to grow into your authenticity and let go of everything that’s holding you back. I want to be that support for you. You deserve the world and I’m always here cheering you on!

I can’t wait for you to read it!

I’ll talk to you soon! Have a FABULOUS day! 

P.S. Don’t forget to drink your water today!

Increase Your Energy with these Simple Steps

Increase Your Energy with these Simple Steps

So many women write me about how tired they are and they tell me their lack of energy stops them from working out, doing things they enjoy or just being there for their kids or grandkids.  

That always takes me back in time to when I was in the same boat and I’m reminded of how I missed out on so much as a result. In those days I thought my always being tired was going to last the rest of my life but I’m proud to say that it didn’t last forever!

I found many little secrets to fix that problem. in fact, my energy made a 360 degree turn simply because I made the choice to make some really important changes in my life. 

One of the choices I made was to change how I eat. We all have our favorite foods and I love to focus on food that’s not only healthy and tasty but foods that also give me energy! Never forget that eating nutritious foods is all part of staying fit, fabulous, and active. The energy boost will get you through your whole day and allow you to exercise, run errands, keep up with family projects, build big business and innovative ideas without feeling super tired and weary.

Increase Your Energy with these Simple StepsSome of my ultimate fave foods that will contribute to an energetic you are:

1. Avocados – Putting avocados in everything is more than just hype. It is very delicious, and of course, packed with fiber and nutrients that help you sustain your energy levels. Avocados are definitely worth the hype it’s getting.

2. Dried Fruits – What I love about dried fruits is that they are the perfect energy booster! Yes, they can give you that extra push you need to keep moving.  Because of that, they are the perfect quick and casual snack for people who are always on the go like me! You can get the energy you need without much preparation.

3. Sweet Potatoes – If you want an instant energy boost, go grab a sweet potato. They contain everything your body needs to produce energy continuously, like iron, Vitamin C, and other nutrients.

4. Spinach – There’s a very good reason why Popeye the Sailor Man eats spinach to power up. It’s because it DOES power you up! After you spend lots of energy exercising or doing other tasks, a serving of spinach will surely get you back on your feet.

5. Oats – I can confidently say that oats are everyone’s all-time favorite. Luckily, it is also an incredible energy booster. It has a lot of nutrients that could produce and keep your energy levels high. The best part is that oats are very versatile and you can enjoy them in almost any way you want!

Add some sesame seeds to your oatmeal and other meals if you can because they are another energy booster. They may be tiny, but they pack a lot of energy! Sesame seeds contain magnesium that helps turn sugars into energy.

If you want more energy to get you through your day without the drag, consider reading my book “UnBreak Me”. I introduce so many of my personal secrets that not only increase your energy but will change your mindset to how much more is possible. I promise…you won’t be disappointed, and you may end up finding some new favorites.

Fit And Energetic At Any Age!

Fit And Energetic At Any Age!

Did you know that many people slow down and become sedentary as they age? That’s right, they sure do and I know what it’s like to start feeling sluggish as the years go by. Well, I’m here to tell you that you can easily avoid that trap. We don’t have to let our age stop us from moving and grooving.

The body is forever changing, shifting and evolving as time rolls on and we have to continually learn what to do for it to keep it in balance and prevent the slow down.

Regardless of age an active lifestyle will give you longevity and allow you to take more control over your health. 

Kick it up any way you can because physical activity will  boost your energy, allow you to maintain independence, protect your heart, and help you to manage symptoms related to health conditions that cause pain. But there are many other things you can do to stay energized and performing at your best.  For example, try the following…

1. Try Mindfulness Techniques

When exercising, many people just zone out. However, focusing on how your body feels as you work out is best. Pay attention to your rhythmic breathing, feel your muscles flex with each movement, and be in the moment. Not only can mindfulness help you physically, but it can also help you mentally. It can help relieve stress and anxiety.

2. Listen to Your Body

Exercising should be a fun activity and not something you dread doing. Always listen to what your body is telling you. If you become dizzy or short of breath, stop your workout routine. If you sustain any injuries while working out or experience regular pain and discomfort, start out more slowly and work yourself up to more frequent workouts after discussing all this with your doctor.

3. Support Your Activity Levels With Good Nutrition

Keeping fit and energetic doesn’t stop at just physical activity. You also have to support your new activity levels with the right nutrition. Reduce the amount of processed carbohydrates you consume and choose better snacking options throughout the day. Instead of reaching for a bag of chips, grab some nuts or seeds to snack on instead.

4. Stay Motivated

To stop yourself from becoming discouraged, focus on short-term goals and reward yourself when you complete your workout successfully. This is good both physically and mentally. When rewarding yourself, choose something you look forward to doing.

5. Get Plenty of Rest

Finally, one of the biggest tips I have for you is to be sure to get enough rest. Something as simple as sleep can give you the energy boost you need. Try to get seven to eight hours of sleep each night to repair and build muscles and allow your body the chance to recover and boost stored energy.

For more tips on how to keep up with your active lifestyle? Check out my YouTube videos and subscribe to my channel.



It’s easy to get overwhelmed by what society says is right or wrong, but I’ve learned that I shouldn’t focus on what society thinks of me! 

In Unbreak Me, I share how I decided to focus on my own feelings, my own thoughts, and my own happiness. Breaking away from norms is tough, but I’ll tell you how you can do it, too. 

It’s time for your life to change, and I’m sharing my secrets with you to make it happen.

Finally, it’s available to preorder. Click here to order now!


My Fav Quote This Month – 

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” – Oprah Winfrey