
What’s on your mind? What are you thankful for? Tell you what…

I’m Thankful for all of YOU who have followed me, supported me, watched me invested in me and simply gave me the pleasure of your time and conversation.

I love and appreciate all of you who took my advice and guidance over the years and as a result improved your health, life and your body and now live the life you’ve always wanted. Even for those of you who have not yet taken my advice…I’m still pulling for you! Keep the faith and remember – “Age is Not a Factor or an Excuse…You can do it too!

Just wanted you to know you bring love and light into my “Wendy World” and for that I am grateful…

If you have questions on how to maintain, not gain or improve your life thru the Holidays send me an email:

Look out for my Holiday workouts!

Peace, Blessings & Health,



Wendy Ida in Black Fitness Today

Black Fitness Today coverIt was an honor to be interviewed by Black Fitness Today Magazine in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness month. I wanted to share my interview in hopes that one more person will have the courage to stand up and speak out against it too. Here’s a snippet:

BFT: If you could talk to Wendy of the past during the times she wept, what would you tell her?

“This question makes me cry even now because it goes deep.

This has actually been a sore spot I had been struggling to overcome for years because there is still that vulnerable piece of me that visits me every now and again – mostly in my dreams or should I say nightmares. I confess up until just a few months ago I was constantly looking back and asking myself why did I let it happen or why did I live like that for so many years. Why? Why? Why? I would beat myself up with the whys. It took hearing some wise words from a psychologist that Oprah interviewed to help me see the light and get a little more resolve on these issues.

In several ways I have gone to that place in my spirit and soul and talked to that incredibly scared little girl, Wendy from my past. I say to her…click here to continue reading and see the full article.



If you missed the show — Here’s your chance…

Wendy Ida Dances at The SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills for the benefit of ending the silence surrounding Domestic Violence.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month and many of you know that I am a DV survivor.

This show was done to bring awareness to ending the silence surrounding Domestic Violence, and to Celebrate Life and those who have survived Domestic Violence. It is also meant to give strength and encouragement to those who are still victims, in hopes that they too will reach out real soon to Take Back their Life.

Stand up, speak out and Stop the silence
That is the way to help end the violence!




If you are not moving, I want you to join me this very moment. March away those pounds before they march away you! I’m serious!

I’ve sent you a video to start you off!

It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s a great way to get started. It’ll get your blood flowing and keep your mind and soul guarded.

I promise you…you’ll want to reach for the stars and break out of those bars and heck you may also want to “Dance with the Stars.”

But your depression and anger will surely fade out and in its place a zest for life is what you’ll be telling the world about…

Who cares? I do! So let’s do this…together!



I got a question for you. Have you been satisfied with how things are going in your life? How about your state of health – satisfied? What’s your energy level like — low, medium or non-existent? Last question – Are you experiencing pain somewhere in your body that you have been living with that sometimes makes your attitude stink or sends you into a depressed state?

Well I want you to know that life doesn’t have to stay that way. There are alternatives. You DO have options…and plenty of them. YOU CAN TAKE BACK YOUR LIFE RIGHT NOW! BUT the first thing you have to decide is…HOW BAD YOU WANT IT?

If you have decided that you want it bad…I mean REALLY BAD… and you have put it at the top of your priority list, but you still don’t know how to get started back up again or you lack the motivation to do so, contact me so I can share some tools with you that will have you back up on your feet again and smiling from ear to ear!

BEFORE                              AFTER
Wendy before and after

I’ve been there and done that so I understand how it feels to be stuck. And I just want to show you how to move onward and upward with a few easy tricks I have up my sleeve. I want to show you how, regardless of age or what your past looks like, your life can be better.

Now I won’t lie and say it’s always easy, or things will change for you overnight. But…what I am saying is IT’S TOTALLY POSSIBLE with the adjustments I will show you that will make all the difference in the world. They have worked for me and I know they can work for you too!

Soooo…you have NO EXCUSES!


Book a consultation with me today!
Send an email to –



Everybody knows when it comes to health and wellness you can count on me to give it to you straight. No beating around the bush, no sugar coating, nothing but the truth! That’s how I show love. It’s only because I want you to be your best self and I want you to live those goals and dreams some of you have told me about.

Keep in mind however, that it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun too. In fact, studies show that those who are having fun when exercising do it longer, more often and enjoy the many health and body benefits that come along with it.

That being said… I had to get in on the latest dance craze! The “Watch me Nae Nae” song and dance. Everybody’s gone wild! That includes me too. Buck Wild! And since I love dance as part of my cardio…Just had to do it!

C’mon and join me in my video version. It’s great cardio!



Stop these three things to cut calories in half

Are you pulling your hair out because it’s been difficult to shed the pounds? Do you think you’ve tried everything but still your weight just yo-yo’s and boomerangs back to where it started? Well there may be good reason for it. And the culprit could be right in front of your face.

So often people feel losing weight is too complicated to figure out and/or achieve because there are so many hidden things that keep them in the dark. They ultimately convince themselves that weight loss is not for them or not possible after a certain age.

The truth is, there ARE many hidden things you may not know that make it difficult to lose weight, but there are also some very common and often overlooked habits many people have that add huge calories back onto you. So why not start there chipping away the pounds where it is so obvious.

I have a long list of things I could rattle off, but let me cut to the chase and just tell you what my 3 biggest calorie hoarders are because you could be doing some of them right now!

You can almost cut your calories in half if you eliminate these three things →

Wendy’s Fit Fax Tips!

You can almost cut your calories in half if you eliminate these three things

    1. Alcohol – People drink socially, while entertaining, as a nightcap to help them settle down at the end of the day or even out of habit. This is a huge calorie mogul. One often forgets or doesn’t realize how much they have even consumed when they are having a good time or caught up in meaningful conversation.
      It easily packs on the pounds and without thinking you can pack on thousands of calories in just a few hours. There is something to be said about very moderate wine consumption versus the weekend “binge” model of drinking that often dominates Friday happy hours nationwide.
      Instead, try replacing the alcohol with Perrier water that has a fizz to it and add lemon, lime or other fancy fruits to the side of your glass.


    1. Coffee – OMG! Now of course we are not talking about a regular cup. No! I am talking about the Starbucks kind of coffee. They really started the big boom of the fancy calorie laden coffee. There are zillions of calories in one of those mocha-latte-caramel-whipped-cream-venti-crazyccino things. Don’t get caught up in the fancy names, flavors and fancy cups.
      Instead, ditch the calorie-filled, whipped cream fancy coffee, (that I call a dessert) and ditch the Venti cup too. Have an average size cup, sip slowly and hold the cream and extra additives.


  1. Soda – Is just bad for your body all the way around. It’s used to destroy battery acid on your car for one thing. – If that’s true then what is it doing to your body? Hmmm… It also dumps tons of sugar into your system and promotes weight gain around your middle.
    Instead, replace soda with some iced tea. Eliminating soda is not only a great way to lose weight but also it will begin reducing the size of your stomach.

So just begin working on these three things to give yourself a running start. If you are consuming any of these on a regular basis reduce the amount you take in by fifty percent and move on to having them only once a week if you must have them at all.

On the other hand, continue your workouts but… remember to make it all work, you have to go beyond the cardio and weight training. If you have ever seen a person or you are that person (you may even be a group exercise instructor) who works out hard but the weight doesn’t change, it’s because of your lifestyle and nutrition habits.

EVERYTHING has to be in alignment at the same time or it doesn’t work. Otherwise your hard work will go unnoticed. Why? Because…YOU CAN’T OUT TRAIN A BAD DIET!



dancingDid you participate in National Dance Day last Saturday? Oh what? You didn’t know? Shame on you 🙂

Well now you know. Nigel Lythgoe from the popular show So You Think You Can Dance started this trend 5 years ago and it has grown into an iconic annual celebration. The purpose is to encourage people to embrace dance as a fun and positive way to maintain good health and fight obesity. It really is so much fun too! You can learn to appreciate your body and understand what it can do for you while having BIG TIME FUN!

We have held big celebrations on this day in all parts of the country. In fact, it’s a worldwide event now. Next year I will keep you informed beforehand so you can participate, explore and have fun with us. But for now, you can still try and learn this year’s routine and do it throughout the year — so next year you will be even more ready for new stuff. It will challenge your body and your brain.

Here’s what happens. Team captains on the show demonstrate a dance routine for you to learn and on National Dance Day everyone gets together and does it. It’s similar to a flash mob, only in this case we really show up to party and keep you in the mood of moving your body on a regular basis.

There is a beginner and advance version this year. Try what’s easiest for you. The website and tutorial for both the dances is:

I did both routines…Check out my videos here:

Beginner version
Click here for tutorial.

Advanced version
Click here for tutorial.

Keep it moving and you will always be improving! 🙂



blog1This weekend’s competition was amazing! Thank you to all my supporters who came out.

This was a huge National Competition and it has grown immensely in the three years since I last competed, but at 63 I still pulled out 2nd place at this huge event. It has undoubtedly inspired me to keep going, work harder — and be stronger — to be an even better me!

I may not get first every time, but every time I learn something new, grow as an individual and I am happy with how far I’ve come.

My message to YOU is… Believe you can achieve your goals and capture your dreams if you strive to be better no matter what your age, what problems you’ve faced or what obstacles stand in your way. Dare to risk that which you feel impossible and be rewarded handsomely!







American sedentary lifestyle

The average American still lives a very sedentary lifestyle
Image Source: © Iain Boltin via

Whether you are over 40 or under, on average you are bound to put on the pounds due to the overabundance of processed foods and fast foods that make it easy for most people to gain weight these days. Unhealthy food choices and lack of exercise further complicate the process. After 40 many other things (such as hormones, etc.) unique to the aging process contribute to weight gain and is the root cause of most women’s frustration about the weight loss process.

The average American still lives a very sedentary lifestyle and as a result carries around poor body image and low self-esteem because of it. Gaining weight is a process that happens over a gradual amount of time so it is no secret that it takes time to lose it as well.

Understanding the process is important for your success. Understanding how to begin your journey is also important. So let me help you with that. Keep in mind however, that since everyone has a different lifestyle and body makeup, you may need to know more specific information as time goes on to help you progress to the next level.

Wendy’s Fit Fax Tips!

If you are looking to make a long-term change in your life I recommend that you begin your journey with these five basic guidelines to get on the right track.

  1. Start out slowly and introduce one healthy habit into your life at a time
  2. Prepare sound nutrition for your body type – Seek a professional for guidance
  3. Participate in fun activity daily
  4. A reasonable approach seeks to lose a steady amount of weight over a gradual amount of time. In this way the body is able to maintain health and slowly use its stored fuel without feeling like it is being starved.
  5. Be kind to your body by staying proactive with health issues

* Don’t forget to see your doctor yearly and before beginning any exercise program
* And Remember slow steady progress is the way to permanent weight loss and a healthy body.

commentDo you have a weight loss story? If so, I want to hear about it!




Did you miss my live interview on San Diego Living? Don’t worry; you can view it now below!

Try out the combo move that Marc and I did. It’s four moves in one. It will test your endurance; work your upper body, your lower body, and your core.

Here’s how to do it!

a. You’re going to squat, come up, jump left, jump right and shoulder press. That counts as 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Next without stopping…

b. Go into pushup position with weights in hand and alternate doing a right arm row, left arm row and a pushup. That is 1 rep. Do 10 reps.

Now just repeat (a & b) on the other side by jumping right, then jump left with shoulder press and so on. That counts as 1 set. Work up to doing three sets.

That’s it!

If you are a beginner, start with only one move and then move on but finish strong.

Overall, just have fun with it! That’s the key! That’s what I do!

Then just dance like nobody’s watching! ☺

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!




You know people always tell me that I inspire them. That’s great and I love it. It’s a part of my mission, my purpose and who I am.

Perhaps the best inspiration to get fit and stay fit is seeing the women who are accomplishing their goals! But, it doesn’t matter whether it is something they saw me do, heard me say or read about, the fact is that they have been moved and awakened in some way to do more or be more in their life. When that happens you have to pay attention and follow that up.

I believe nothing happens by mistake and everything happens for a reason even though we may not always understand it at the time. In other words a beautiful gift doesn’t always arrive in the way you would expect it, but if you are open to the possibilities, if you are present and if you have a little patience you will hear the message and follow that lead.

I was invited to a meeting presentation the other day and I was asked to stand and say a few words. So I did for just a few minutes. When the meeting was over I spoke with a lady who had met me at one of my previous speaking events. The first thing she said to me was, “You’ve inspired me before and now you’ve inspired me again!” That lead me to believe that although she had been inspired the first time, she had not used it to her advantage. I was right. So my response to her was: “What’s holding you back?” I said, “Don’t be afraid. You are capable. You can do this.”

The intention is to give you some tools to work with and help you understand that you are capable of being more then you already are and that you can free your mind of any perceived limitations.

If you have been inspired by me or anyone else, it’s a wake up call for you to take another step towards improving your life. That is my wish for you! Shift into 2nd gear immediately by taking some action to reach your goals and make some things actually change. Don’t sit back and think about it any longer. Finally get your health, your body and your life in order. If you can’t do it alone, never be afraid to ask for help or get support. Sometimes that’s all it takes.

Wendy’s Fit Fax Tips!

You know what? I am over the moon when I see the magic happen for you as it did for me. In other words I get really excited when you manage to accomplish a wealth of happiness for yourself through reaching your mind, body and spirit goals.

Let inspiration move you by taking some of these actions:

  1. Join that spin class, learn something new or follow up on getting that degree you’ve always wanted.
  2. Don’t be afraid to cease running in those old familiar circles and doing the same things over and over again.
  3. Seek support, ask for help or hire a professional to help you get to where you want to go.

commentWhen was the last time you took it to the next level after being inspired?