It was an honor to be interviewed by Black Fitness Today Magazine in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness month. I wanted to share my interview in hopes that one more person will have the courage to stand up and speak out against it too. Here’s a snippet:
BFT: If you could talk to Wendy of the past during the times she wept, what would you tell her?
“This question makes me cry even now because it goes deep.
This has actually been a sore spot I had been struggling to overcome for years because there is still that vulnerable piece of me that visits me every now and again – mostly in my dreams or should I say nightmares. I confess up until just a few months ago I was constantly looking back and asking myself why did I let it happen or why did I live like that for so many years. Why? Why? Why? I would beat myself up with the whys. It took hearing some wise words from a psychologist that Oprah interviewed to help me see the light and get a little more resolve on these issues.
In several ways I have gone to that place in my spirit and soul and talked to that incredibly scared little girl, Wendy from my past. I say to her…click here to continue reading and see the full article.
You inspire me!