Talk about health…I want to pay special tribute to your healthy relationship with mom on Mother’s Day.
Most moms do the best they can with what they know…and when they know more, they do better. Recognize that mothers are not perfect and understand that they are people too. In other words, they are more than just your mother. They are individuals who have their own personal thoughts, feelings and things they have to deal with on a regular basis.
In addition, they play a part in the lives of others too. They are somebody’s sister, wife, cousin, daughter and lover (I know this one is hard to think of when it comes to your mother, but it’s true ☺). So they deserve not only a break, but also applause and appreciation because anyone who IS a mother knows it’s the hardest job in the world.
Just like a momma bear we yearn to protect our babies. Of course I’m talking about myself now. As a mom I know I have done my best with the skills I have had. I have always thought of my kids first and would never ever have abandoned them. Once I had them I was invested for the long haul no matter what. It was them first or there was no me. This makes me weep as I think about it because they mean so much to me. I am proud of my two grown up babies.
Then I think of my own mommy and how I was such a rebel growing up. I think of how tough it must have been for her to handle four daughters and a son. We didn’t have much, but nonetheless I remember those mayonnaise sandwiches were so good! Yes, times were rough, but we survived. I fast forward to now as I long for her to be here with me again so I can hold her hand and tell her I love her and see her look back at me and say, “I am so proud of you Wendy.” That visualization makes me weep more. I often think of old times with her — funny times too and missed opportunities. I’ll never forget the words Mommy always repeated to us before her untimely passing, “Give me my flowers while I can smell them.”
Seize those precious moments with your Mother and make them last I tell you. Make them memorable and it will sustain you in a positive way for the rest of your life. Laugh, learn and make special plans together. Let those times become traditional rituals that can’t be ignored and can be recreated and passed down through your family line throughout the years. Create and share healthy regimens and healthy lifestyle habits so you can enjoy each others physical presence as long as possible.
Overall, understand that it is always important to capture that special moment with mom by saying: “I love you,” but remember talk without the walk is cheap. So follow through and walk your talk baby and you will never regret it!
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Wendy’s Fit Fax Tips!
To build a healthy relationship with mom or anyone else in your family try the following:
- Spend some special time together. Workout together, take in a movie and try a new restaurant that specializes in healthy meals. Designate a certain day of the week or month in perpetuity to have this time for only you and mom.
- Build a genuine level of respect. Show mom that you appreciate and support her and sympathize with her. Entertain her ideas and help out with the little things. Give her a word of encouragement, compliment her and show her she is loved.
- Let bygones be bygones. Forget about holding grudges and for any misunderstandings you and she might have had. Try to put yourself in her place to understand what stresses she may have experienced in her life and why she made some past decisions. With love and compassion help her to see how you saw things from your minds eye and perspective as a kid.
How do you plan to spend your special day with Mom?
It’s awesome to be in shape over 40, 50, and 60+. 🙂
Thanks Michael! It’s never too late to get in shape. It starts with your mindset.