Can you guess what the most important part of your body is? Mouth–feet–butt? The answer is… none of these. It’s a team effort. While it’s important to eat, it’s equally important to safely eliminate foods. The digestive system impacts the entire body.
Do you clean your body on the inside as well as you do on the outside? Many foods that we ingest have traces of pesticides and/or heavy metals in them which create toxins in your body. Improper elimination habits as well as environmental elements contribute to the toxin problem. And if your wondering why you can’t get rid of those extra pounds around the belly, blame it on the processed foods and frequent dining at fast food restaurants. Overall toxins wreak havoc on the body and can create disease.
Some of the typical signs and symptoms of bad eating and elimination problems are: Fatigue, Gas or bloating, constipation, diarrhea, skin problems and even depression.
Cleanse/detox the body. There are many methods and programs that you can use to accomplish this. If necessary consult a holistic doctor to properly guide you.
– A cleanse one to four times a year — Ideally at the start of each season change.
– Find one that fits with your lifestyle and one you can maintain.
– Begin anew by replacing one bad food for a good one after your cleanse.
– Eat more organic fruits and vegetables whenever possible
– Eat a big meal the day before you begin your cleanse.
– Use body cleansing as a dieting tool.
– Return to bad eating habits. Subsequent to each cleanse make small life changes.
When you cleanse your body from the inside, it will begin to heal itself from things you have yet to realize are happening to you. But also, you can feel a difference! Think about it. Don’t you feel a lot better when you bathe?
Allow your body to do what it was born to do. That is…Heal itself with proper care. Cleanse your inside body – Go back to your roots & eat live foods – Then let the healing process begin!