How do you stay Fit when traveling?
Have you done any traveling this week? I know lots of folks have been traveling this week mainly because of spring break.
You ever wonder how to stay in shape when traveling? Well it’s not as difficult as you may think. It just takes a little discipline and getting used to when planning your trips. I do it all the time. Take a look at my “Fit Fax” this week and I’ll share with you some traveling tips.
In fact, I will be in New Orleans next week appearing “LIVE” as the keynote speaker for Smart Meetings’ National event. So if you will be in New Orleans in the next week, I would love to see you!
Smart Meeting National in New Orleans
Wendy Ida – Keynote Speaker
For more information on this event…CLICK HERE
Wendy’s Fit Fax Tips!
So you don’t miss a beat when it comes to staying healthy and keeping your body fit while traveling, try some of the following tips:
- Carry a resistance band and a rope in your suitcase so you can do resistance training like rows or curls and/or you can do body weight exercises too, like pushups and squats if you forget your resistance band. Otherwise, be sure to plan ahead and seek out places that have a gym like a hotel. That way you can use that facility.
- Drink plenty of water especially when flying because airplanes dehydrate you. Many people order sodas and alcohol when flying, but that dehydrates you even more. So try hard to stay away from all that. Have water or caffeine free organic tea instead. I always travel with a couple of tea bags in my purse.
- When eating on the road and dining in new places remember to cut out creamy dressings for your salads, hold the gravies, glazes and other fancy sauces that come with your dishes. Replace them with light healthy oils or enjoy your food with just the tasty spices.
This is a good start to staying healthy and fit while on the road. And you’ll be so much happier and guilt free after you return home. Happy travels!