I don’t usually talk about really personal stuff but in this case I feel there is cause for celebration and one thing worth mentioning. I am celebrating my twentieth anniversary this weekend and you know what — I am still having a blast!
After twenty years we can still laugh, love, workout and have fun together. More importantly during the hard times and through all of life’s trials and tribulations I have never felt more supported.
To celebrate we thought we should get in a quickie weekend getaway to wine country. I don’t drink but two of my favorite places are Santa Barbara and Temecula. I love the climate and atmosphere there. This time we chose Temecula to make more memories.
One thing’s for sure out of all we did you can best believe I got in my workouts. Did you hear me! Oh yes, I got in my workouts! Got to…Everyday! I don’t leave home without it. : ) Ha ha! What I mean is getting in my workouts are important even when I’m on the road. There is no reason why I should stop being fit while I’m traveling.
This lifestyle works for me and being involved in health and fitness only enhances my relationship. It not only keeps me healthy, but it shapes me into a happy, energized and responsible human who is excited about life’s possibilities and its increased opportunities to deepen my relationship.
How about you? Are you enriching your life and fulfilling your fantasies? Are you aware that all you do and all you are begin with your health? Are you conscious of what your body is capable of and if so, are you taking action to bring it to its full potential? What’s your story?