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Please repeat the quiz and try different answer combinations.You Are The Seeker!
Here’s what I know based on your scores…
Every once in a great while, you make an effort to be healthy. But, for the most part, you have been crawling around just getting by and being content to live as you always have.
Your low score indicates, however, that if you’re ready to shift and get the body and life you want I’m here to help you do that.
You Are The Grasshopper!
Here’s what I know based on your scores…
You just need a wake up call since your health is a constant up and down battle.
Focusing on your health will yield dramatic improvements in your well-being and how you feel – but, there is a method to the madness.
You Are The Warrior!
Here’s what I know based on your scores…
You have a good balance between healthy living and still enjoying life. You know that the purpose of living healthy is to be able to do what you want to do with the people you love. You continue to search for answers and solutions to those plateaus in your life. You are a tough cookie! And, I don’t mean that literally. Keep reading to get to know more about your actual type.