You Are The Seeker!
Sorry to hear you’re not doing as well as you would like.
Sounds like you could use a bit of help to get you back on track.
You’re not alone. Be proud of yourself for completing the quiz.
Here’s what I know based on your scores…
Every once in a great while, you make an effort to be healthy. But, for the most part, you have been crawling around just getting by and being content to live as you always have.
Your low score indicates, however, that if you’re ready to shift and get the body and life you want I’m here to help you do that.
- Your intentions are good and you really mean to do well, but it hasn’t been good enough to get to where you want to be yet. Now, you feel it’s too difficult to get started and keep it moving.
- Your persona reveals that you feel stressed and the value you’ve placed on yourself, your life and your health to achieve your goals have been too low. In fact, you have tried to work it out on your own but find that you are going in circles and not really accomplishing much.
- You have what it takes and you desperately want to do better and be better, but you lack the focus and drive you need to reach your goals and feel better about yourself. Your food choices aren’t what they should be and you are secretly keeping your eyes and ears perked for the next best thing to keep you afloat. You’re hoping for a magic bullet of a solution that will turn your life around, lift your spirits and send you more energy.
As a SEEKER, you…
- Are stronger than you realize and must dig deep to get better.
- Have not found the real reason why you are ready to change.
- Have been discouraged by a chain of events in your life that weighs heavily on you so you find it difficult to move forward.
SEEKER are you ready to step up to your next level of fabulous?
Here’s how…
You have to find your why. What’s the real reason why you want to change your life right now and what tradeoffs are you willing to make for it?
As you establish what your “Why” is make sure you choose something strong and powerful that hits your emotional heartstrings. In other words, it must be something you want VERY badly. This will create a powerful and magnetic drive to attract those things you wish to have happen in your life. It will also subconsciously drive your mental and physical efforts in the direction you want to go and give you tremendous focus.
Even though you find it difficult to move around, doing some activity is better for you than doing no activity, so focus on what you can manage and build up gradually.
So many people want to make the switch from zero to hero, but fail for two reasons:
1 – They don’t know how, but don’t seek proper help.
The key to moving past these obstacles and getting your mojo back is to seek the guidance of a mentor or coach to help you learn the skills that will work for you personally (not someone else) because each one of us is motivated by different things. The guidance will teach you how to sustain an optimal amount of health and balance in your life so you can develop skills to reach your goals and keep a high level of joy and stability in your life.
2 – They refuse to come out of their comfort zones.
I encourage you to embrace change instead of shying away from it. Lack of change keeps you in this warm fuzzy place known as your “comfort zone”. But, this comfort zone is also a double-edged sword. While you may feel safe there, you will also feel stuck, overwhelmed and unhappy there. As a result, you won’t grow, which means you can never reach the goals you’ve set for yourself.
It’s important to understand that change IS growth and should never be feared. It is what keeps us youthful, real, relevant and ALIVE!
I encourage you to embrace new things in your life. Be open to new ideas and different ways of doing things. Yes, these new things may be a little scary. They will also be uncomfortable. But, that’s what it takes to grow and there is no one on this earth who hasn’t experienced growth without change. No one can do it for you – you must be the captain of your own ship.
The good news is…the rewards are FANTASTIC. No kidding!
The approach to all of this is simple – don’t get overwhelmed or anxious by the thoughts of change. Take one baby step at a time by making one positive change at a time. Live with it for a week or two and then add the next thing. That way the behavior will organically grow with you and become a part of your daily life. These compounding positive changes will impact your life in ways you never dreamed possible!
- Consider the benefits of switching to a healthier lifestyle
- Do your research
- Remember, changes don’t happen overnight, but the benefits that come with it will last you a lifetime
Get my Take Back Your Fabulous Tool Kit
It will give you more insight and some tools you’ll need for success.
Be strong, Be consistent and stay with me Seeker.
I got your back.
Because you are worth fighting for! Because you matter!