What Happens When You Overeat

What Happens When You Overeat

Even without being a doctor or health industry professional, it’s not hard to understand eating-too-muchthe relationship between overeating and health disorders. It’s easy to look around during your day and find evidence of the nation’s growing obesity epidemic to understand what happens when you over consume in general. On a smaller scale we wonder about the over consumption of just certain kinds of foods? What happens when you overdo it with sweets?

  • Sugar: There are all kinds of health issues related to over consumption of sugar. Diabetes would be the number one health concern. But, diabetes is not the only ill effect from over consumption of sugar. Obesity, thyroid dysfunction, kidney malfunction, and intestinal problems can all be directly associated with too much sugar consumption.
  • Alcohol: What about too much alcohol? The ravaging effects of alcoholism are a continual struggle and medical expense to many companies and citizens in this country, and indeed the whole world. Lost youth, liver problems, brain deterioration, the speeding of other age-related diseases are all side affects of too much alcohol consumption.
  • Malnutrition: Then, we can talk about the effects of eating too little. What happens when we do not consume what we need to maintain our health? Gum disease, heart disease, muscle deterioration, vision loss, and anorexia occur when we do not get the necessary food our body needs.

One Solution

To remedy the imbalances in our nutrition, you can take supplements. Even when we can’t consume enough actual food, we can supplement the vitamins and minerals our bodies need in order to maintain some healthy functioning. You have only to walk down the aisle at your local supermarket or pharmacy to discover that there has been a vitamin revolution. Every possible vitamin and mineral needed by the body is available in capsule, pill, tablet, or powder form.

Once your body has reached the point of unhealthy function, or you have placed such a strain on your body from over consumption that one of the related diseases has taken hold, it’s almost impossible to correct one problem without creating another. Once you have become a diabetic, there are so many complications, that simply choosing to diet and exercise is no longer an option. The health concerns you now have far outweigh the easy solution of diet and exercise. Can you begin to see how important maintaining your health is to your quality of life and how important it is to the lives of your loved ones? Your choices directly affect their quality of life too. Make every effort to maintain your health. You owe it to your children and other family and especially yourself.

Dangers of Fast Weight Loss

Dangers of Fast Weight Loss

The vast majority of us that need to lose a little bit of weight would like to be able to lose it quickly. There are some dangers of fast weight loss, however, that need to be addressed whenever we decide to drop the pounds in this way. The unfortunate thing is, the temptation still exists and it is often prompted even further by those that are selling us the weight-loss products. Here are some of the dangers and why you should avoid losing weight quickly.

  1. First of all, fast weight loss often results in a rebound of weight gain. This is because we are not teaching ourselves healthy eating habits whenever we are losing weight quickly, and we are perhaps putting ourselves on a regime that is unsustainable.
  2. Fast weight loss also tends to take its toll on other parts of the body as well, such as the hair, skin and many of the internal organs. This could lead to further difficulties after the weight-loss has subsided.
  3. One of the other dangers of fast weight loss is that if you are losing a lot of weight, your skin may not be able to keep up with the weight-loss. This is often one of the biggest cosmetic issues with individuals who lose weight, and in many cases it is avoidable.
  4. Losing more than two pounds a week is generally not recommended and can be hazardous to your health unless you are under the direct guidance of a doctor.
  5. When you lose weight fast don’t be duped in thinking its all body fat.  On the contrary, you are losing precious muscle and other bodily fluids.  And trust me you do not want to lose muscle. It is what gobbles up the fat and keeps you going among other things.  TV shows like “Big Loser” give many a false sense of reality.

Although it does take a bit more patience, you can avoid the dangers of fast weight loss by eating a healthy diet which maintains a calorie deficit and getting a reasonable amount of exercise. Although it may not be as exciting as losing weight quickly, it is something that can stick with you for the rest of your life.

See The Big Picture to Avoid Heart Disease

See The Big Picture to Avoid Heart Disease

Do you know what the leading cause of death in women is? Most women think its Breast Cancer. The truth is Heart Disease is the number one leading cause of death in women in the United States. It’s bigger and by far nastier than most women are aware. In fact, more women die of Heart Disease than all types of cancer combined in spite of the fact that it is one of the most preventable diseases.

Each year the figures show that death rates due to heart disease in women are growing. Why is it growing? – The reason is simple. More than ever before women are leading incredibly unhealthy lifestyles. Restaurant owners and food preparers don’t help our problem either. They give us huge portions of food so we don’t go somewhere else to eat but the problem is they include man made fillers in their food to increase the quantity. It gives people the impression they are getting a real deal. Are you really getting a deal – Or are they encouraging unhealthy, obese life styles and getting rich on top of it?

More often than not many people search for buffet style food or frequent places where they can get a two for one. In healthy or organic restaurants many squawk at the amount of food they get or complain that prices are too high. The fact is, quality food with lots of nutrition costs while cheap, discounted, fast food may include product that no one should be eating.

Go for real nutrition (quality not quantity) – search for organic food stores (your body deserves it) and when asked at the theater if you want a larger popcorn for a quarter more – say no!

For more information go to: wendyida.com
Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/wendyida

Okay so the question was asked: Do you have some suggestions of exactly what to get to do the cleansing of your inside body?

Okay so the question was asked: Do you have some suggestions of exactly what to get to do the cleansing of your inside body?

There are a lot of Cleanses out there.  They all work a little differently.  Some folks start with a juice cleanse which is a mild way to start out.  Others have done the lemon cleanse which is a little more challenging.  I’ve done both.  There are many others to choose from however.  The type of cleanse that may be right for you depends on you and your life style.  They all have different elements and timing factors.  If it’s your first time do a little research then start with something mild that will fit your lifestyle then slowly make changes along the way.

I’d love to know what works for you. Keep in touch and let me know what you found.  You can post your comment right here.

Be Smart – Be Active & Give Thanks

Be Smart – Be Active & Give Thanks

Fellowshipping with family and friends at Thanksgiving could put on the pounds.  Don’t let that happen.  Being a conscious eater doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself. Cutting back just 10% this year doesn’t mean you won’t feel satisfied at dinner. Doing something active doesn’t mean they will start without you.  You can do it all!  Count your blessings…Take time out for yourself and make some changes for the better.

Here are some survival tips from my latest magazine article in Decisive Magazine.


Healthy Substitutions for Thanksgiving

Healthy Substitutions for Thanksgiving

This substitution list can also help as you prepare your meals

Recipe substitutions

Recipe calls for


1 whole egg 2 egg whites
sour cream low fat plain yogurt or low fat sour cream
milk skim or 1% milk
ice cream frozen yogurt
heavy cream (not for whipping) 1:1 ratio of flour whisked into non fat milk (eg. 1 cup of flour + 1 cup of non fat milk)
whipped cream chilled evaporated skim milk or other low fat whipped products such as Nutriwhip
cheese low-fat cheese (please note: non-fat cheese does not melt well if use in cooking or baking)
butter light butter
cream of mushroom low-fat or fat-free cream of mushroom

Source: HealthCastle.com